Core Competencies – Page 10 – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Category: Core Competencies

Dearest Division 6 family,

I so appreciate you for your time to read my blog posts every week and your interest to stay informed. It is hard to believe we are finished another month and more than halfway through the year! These updates are for you so I’m looking for feedback on these weekly posts. What is something you really enjoy? What would you like to see more of? What suggestions do you have to make this space more beneficial to you? Thank you for your feedback! Please comment on the blog or send me an email at Thank you for your time!

Last week, students worked hard on their self-assessments and reflected on what they are proud of. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of their responses. I felt so proud to read their thoughts. Reflection is such an important part of learning.

We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey

To understand the importance of reflection, it was ADDED to our revised curriculum in our Core Competencies under Thinking – Critical and Reflective Thinking. I recently found an article on FreshGrade’s website about reflection. You will see some of their reflections in their report cards in the Student Voice section. They were so honest and open!

I also took this opportunity to have my students write a “report card” for me! I asked them for feedback on what I am doing well and what I could be doing better. Their honest feedback was so appreciated. I firmly believe in the power of reflection, the power of voice, and self-advocacy. If there is something I can change to make their school experience a better one, I am open to listening and we can co-create the curriculum in response!

This past week, we continued to work on our stories that Ms. Lee, Oscar’s mom, encouraged us to write. On Thursday, we were on Zoom with Ms. Lee again! She taught us some valuable tips on overcoming the fear of sharing our writing and speaking. Thank you to Olivia H., Quinson, and Rasul who pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone to read their stories. They were so SO good! I would have loved to see more students dive into their stretch zone to read their stories. Please encourage your child to find the courage to share, thank you! We SO appreciate her time and for sharing her expertise with us! Ms. Lee also wrote and shared her own story based on the collective brainstorming they did last week. The story was so engaging! We were SO blessed to have her teach our class! Thank you so much, Ms. Lee!

Students finished some window art and thank you to Ms. Paulich, it beautifies our windows! I loved seeing the different designs and colours. It’s always so amazing to me that students are given the same instructions but the final results are so varied because of the creativity in their brains!

Coming up, we will begin to learn about multiplication so if your child does not know their multiplication facts, please have them practice at home. We will learn some games they can play at home to review too so get a deck of cards ready to have some fun and you practice your math facts with them!

As always, we really appreciate your continued support at home. At any time, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for being partners in your child’s learning.

Remember, I’m looking for feedback on what you like and what you’d like to see more of in these blog posts, so please share!

We also have some exciting news! We have a new student named Dante who will be joining our class in the morning! He comes from a nearby Vancouver school. Welcome, Dante, and your family! We are thrilled you will be joining our school family!

With a heart full of appreciation, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

Dear Division 6 family,

Whenever I sit down to write these blog posts, I often feel like the week flew by. Time flies when we are having fun! Every week, there are many things that I really look forward to. I thought this week’s blog post could be a reflection on my favourite things that warm my heart as we also review the happenings from this week. Happy reading!

I thoroughly enjoy Monday, Thursday, and Friday mornings because I have the blessing to begin my days with them. I love going outside to greet them and later saying hello to each one by name at the top of the stairs. Then, I love watching them interact with each other during their morning flex time. This special time allows me to make deeper connections through casual conversations, work with some students who need that extra check-in, and conference with students, for example.

On these same mornings, I thoroughly enjoy our Community Circle time. It is such a sacred time for us to connect with each other, share how we are feeling, say highlights from our weekend, what we are grateful for on Thankful Thursdays, and share our celebrations on Fridays. I absolutely love it when most of them share that they are feeling fantastic, awesome, very happy, or amazing. It truly fills my heart and warms it at the same time because it lifts our spirits up knowing that so many of us feel so positive about being at school. The celebrations we do often include how proud they feel for having worked so hard throughout the week, or they celebrate being a part of a great family, or one of my favourites, is when they celebrate something that makes them special like their kindness, how much they care, or how helpful they are. These are all strengths and recognizing these as part of their identity is learning to understand themselves better. This is one of our core competencies: positive personal identity.

    • This is taken from our ministry document about core competencies: “They exhibit a sense of self-worth, self-awareness, and positive identity to become confident individuals who take satisfaction in who they are and what they can do.”
    • I just attended an EdCamp this morning where we talked all about core competencies. It was such a fabulous morning of connecting with educators all over BC and learning with and from each other.

I so love Passion Project time. They are all so focussed and engaged in their personal learning time. We had a few more second presentations this week. We learned about ice hockey and medicinal plants! My plan for these next Passion Projects are to push them further, from simply information gathering and information presenting, to answer the questions, “So what?” and “Why is this important?” or “What do I learn about myself or the world?” It’s the making meaning of their learning that I’m more interested in now. This is the next level up from their first Passion Project so as you are engaging in conversations at home about your child’s work on this, please help me push their thinking and ask them the same questions: So now that you have these facts, now what? So what? Why is this important? What are you going to DO about what you learned? How does this new learning change you?

Click on image to go to PDF (enlarged).

One of my passions is to teach writing. In my previous role on the Staff Development Team, I loved to share the different ways to help students develop their communication skills through writing. This past week, we practiced our personal journal writing by sharing about our weekend. We reviewed the grade 5 performance standards and showed them written examples of writing that was emerging, developing, applying (proficient), and extending. They received a single-point rubric as a reference for what writing should include. What I love most about writing is our conference time. I really enjoy that one-on-one time with students to read over their writing, discuss their strengths (so important so they know exactly what to keep doing!), and then walk through their areas of opportunity for growth. With the descriptive and actionable feedback received to improve their writing, they are strongly encouraged to challenge themselves in their stretch zone to make their writing even better. What to do next? It’s clear. It’s attainable. It’s an opportunity to take action on “next steps”.  I wish I can bottle up their sense of pride when they come back to me after challenging themselves!

This past week’s weather was absolutely beautiful. I was on recess supervision all week so they were given some extra time outside after recess on my days with mornings. On Friday, they asked for some more time but they had already gone to line up at the front. When they were informed, they came running back to the playground. The big smiles on their faces as they ran past me was simply priceless!

I can’t help but love so many things that I have the privilege to teach. Math is most definitely another one! I love making Math fun and engaging. This week, we practiced addition with regrouping and decimals. I gave them graph paper to create and challenge themselves with as many digits they wanted to add. They had a lot of fun! Some challenged themselves to add over 30 digits and one even created a question that was 88 digits long!

I was feeling that we hadn’t done a team-building activity in a while so we did a Lego Challenge! Students were divided into groups of four. I had a structure hidden from sight. One designated person from each group came up to take a look at what they had to use communication skills and teamwork to recreate. This person could only use their words to describe to their teammates what the final structure looked like. I was so impressed with their communication, listening, perseverance, and teamwork skills. I loved seeing their excitement and celebrations when they figured it out!

Next week is Literacy Week! On Tuesday, a Family Bingo card will go home with various literacy activities to complete. Return no later than Monday, February 1st to have a chance to win prizes! Excitedly, we will also have Mrs. Ballarin join us on Zoom as a guest reader! On Thursday, it’s dress as a book character day. I am looking forward to seeing their creativity!

We have some new Grizzly Gear! Go to School Cash Online to purchase. Get a pink shirt so your child has one to wear on Pink Shirt Day, if you wish. The water bottles are metal and not plastic. I believe they are only $10! The Grizzly masks were so popular, we now have two you can choose from! These items are at cost and are not meant to be a fundraiser.

We are always appreciative for your support at home. I would love to hear what resonated most with you in this blog post. Please let me know what type of information you enjoy reading. These posts are for you so if there is something you’d like to hear more about, then please let us know. Please leave a comment or send me an email. Our preference is that you read these posts with your child as it will give you a great opportunity to further engage in your child’s learning. Enjoy your conversations together!

We both feel very blessed every day that I have the opportunity to spend time with your children. Please know they are very well loved every day they come to school. We are a family!

With hearts full of gratefulness, Ms. Chan and Ms. Paulich

Dear families,

We hope you thoroughly enjoyed your Family Day long weekend! I enjoyed a nice dinner with my family and my very first adventure in an escape room. There were many challenging tasks but it was a great way for our family to spend time together working as a team. We had great fun because the puzzles were creative and really made us think critically!

Today, we enjoyed our second session of ice skating. Thanks to our parent volunteers who made it possible. Last week, we had our first session with lessons. The instructors were impressed with our skaters overall saying that they were quick learners. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing a bit of my passion for ringette with interested skaters! I also really enjoyed playing some hockey when one of the students asked me to join their team because they needed some help catching up. Playing hockey was my first ice sport! 

Looking for more opportunities to skate as a family? Last weekend, my family and I thoroughly enjoyed skating together in North Vancouver by the Quay. If you are not aware, they have an outdoor covered skating rink at the Shipyards where you can skate for free (provided you have your own skates). They are open daily from 12 – 7 pm until March 1. On February 24-26, they also have free skate rentals from 5 – 7 pm. Click here to learn more! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

We are writers and critical thinkers. Last week, I forgot to mention that I tweeted out something I had percolating in my mind about what our brains do and how we think critically as we write:

Created this graphic to make the writing thought process more explicit. Wanted students to periodically stop and review writing by re-reading and thinking with purpose before writing more. Does it make sense? How can I make my message clearer or writing better? Writing isn’t ever “finished”. Thoughts?

It is a work in progress. Here is Version 1, which is what I shared with students originally:


So before they write, they think about what they want to write using a variety of pre-writing strategies like talking, drawing, and brainstorming, etc. After they write a bit, if there is a natural pause in their writing or after a few ideas are recorded, they are asked to read over what they wrote so far, asking themselves reflectively, “Does it make sense? How can I make my message clearer?” Then they revise and make changes to improve what they already wrote before going back to thinking about what they want to write next so the cycle begins again. With young writers, I have noticed they often just write and continue writing without reviewing what they already wrote; there is little reflection and revision as they write unless they are encouraged to do so. I truly believe that when writers naturally follow this cycle, what they are trying to communicate becomes more clear and concise. I thought that creating a visual like this infographic makes their thought process as they write more explicit and develops critical thinking skills at the same time.

After some feedback and more thought, here is version 2:

It was interesting to listen to student’s thoughts about it. Since then, it has been great to hear them refer to what their brains should be doing as they think and compose. 

Once they feel their writing is “complete” then they are asked to read it over three times before I conference with them. They are asked, “DYRIO?” = Did You Read It Over? Each time they read it over is with a specific purpose:

  1. Read it like a reader. You are someone else reading it for the first time. Does it make sense? 
  2. Read it again as an editor looking for errors in conventions like capitals, punctuation, and spelling.
  3. Read it a third time as a revision expert. What words can I change to make my writing sound better? For example, my word choice so instead of saying “eating” I could use “gobbled it up” or if I have used “said” numerous times, I might use “screamed, hollered, yelled, cried” instead or add an adverb phrase like, “she cried with big tears streaming down her face.” 

I shared these concepts at one of the sessions where I am teaching other teachers how to use technology to enhance student writing and some informed me that they went back to their classrooms and introduced these concepts to their students the next day! It has been so satisfying to see the improvements in everyone’s writing since the beginning of the year. Communication skills are so important to develop and communicating through writing is just a piece of it.

How you can support at home: When your child writes, encourage them to think critically as a writer: Think. Write. Stop. Read it over. Reflect. Revise before thinking and writing some more.

Please feel free to write a comment to this post to share your thoughts. I know I will continue to tweak this graphic after more feedback and reflection and would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan


We are Stars!

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Dear families,

Wow! What a show! We are Hip Hop stars! The kids have worked hard during their Hip Hop lessons with Flo Jo for the last two weeks, learning their dance moves and the routine. They enjoyed transforming their black shirts into skeletons! They had opportunities to watch themselves so they could self-reflect, receive feedback, and make changes to improve their personal performance. The Hip Hop Show is truly a memorable one year after year.

We have continued to learn about early contact between First Peoples and European peoples through visual imagery. Then students were split up into small groups to practice some perspective taking. Each table had a question about different stakeholders and how they may have felt during that time. For example, “Discuss how you think the families of the explorers/sailors felt before they embarked on a long voyage with the possibility of no return?” I am looking forward to further discussions and learning here.

In Math, the grade 3’s continued to learn about linear measurement (mm, cm, m, km) and measuring capacity (mL, L). Next is measuring mass. Please feel free to review these concepts at home to reinforce learning. The grade 4’s reviewed polygons before learning about measuring the perimeter of polygons. They quickly created a new book using the Book Creator app to capture their understanding. Those that completed their books uploaded it to OneDrive so feel free to ask your child to login to view.

In Science, we have continued to learn about landforms. They seemed to really enjoy learning about glaciers and icebergs this week. Some asked if we will continue to learn about more landforms because they are really enjoying it! They have become more confident using the Explain Everything app too. I just love their enthusiasm and have enjoyed learning alongside them as I am creating my very own landforms project on my iPad too; I have learned so much about these landforms that I never knew before! In particular, I love it when someone has researched and found a unique fact and shared it with the class as they look for answers to their own inquiry questions. They certainly are getting better at asking and recording questions on their “I wonder” slide.

In Art, Mr. Baumann has continued to do guided drawings. They have worked on drawing a dog. See some of our examples from Ana, Anna, Tyson, and Yoyo. I love how even though Mr. Baumann walks them through, they all look creatively different!

We have some exciting news to share. Next Monday, we have a student teacher from SFU that will be spending time with us. Her name is Ms. Grewal. The main purpose of the week is to observe, get to know the students, and to learn about the daily operations of the school beyond the classroom. After the week, Ms. Grewal will return to SFU for three weeks and then come back for another four weeks total before and after spring break. Please feel free to ask should you have any questions.

Brentwood Park’s Talent Show will be on February 24. Anyone interested needs to sign up for auditions. This is a great opportunity to showcase creativity! 

Sincerely, Ms. Chan

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