Dear families,
So many things to celebrate about your children and our class! We hope you thoroughly enjoyed celebrating them and the school at the winter concert. I felt so proud of them as they practiced and and I was watching them perform!
Communicating Student Learning Report
Another celebration for all of their hard work in learning since the beginning of the year! Each child contributes to making our community such a wonderful place to be. Each of them is a leader in their own way. We have had a few teachers work with our class and each one comments on how sweet they are and I agree! We hope you intentionally took the time to celebrate your child’s learning and progress as you read their report with them. Please read last week’s blog post for more details about the Communicating Student Learning report and what to pay attention to.
Please feel free to write a comment on the envelope and sign it before returning on Monday. Thank you for your continued support at home! We appreciate you!
Since it’s a formal way to celebrate your child’s learning, I wanted to make it a special event. It was surprising to me that at the beginning of the week, there were a few groans when I mentioned they will be receiving their progress report at the end of the week. It should be a time to celebrate! Do we all have things to work on and improve? We all do! But let’s recognize the gains they have made so far and continue to INCLUDE them so they take ownership and feel accountable. Learning is a process! This was just a snapshot of their learning journey. We still have six more months of successes to celebrate together!
“Learning takes patience and time.” – First Peoples Principles of Learning
I originally suggested we have cake to celebrate but in discussing this plan with them, they suggested cupcakes would be better. Rather than buying from a store, I thought baking our own cupcakes would be way more fun so we did! We really try to make school an experience every day and offer something they look forward to and get excited about!
Click here for the link to the cake recipe. For the frosting, we melted chocolate chips and added the thick part of a can of coconut milk in a pot on medium heat. That’s it! Add icing sugar and sprinkles and voila!
We are creators.
Thank you to the generosity of Ms. Connell, our EA in the class, students had a wonderful opportunity to decorate their own trees to bring home! They were so engaged in this activity. It was so lovely to see their creativity at work, how they inspired each other with ideas, and to feel the joy of the experience. We appreciate you for this opportunity, Ms. Connell!
Mrs. Paulich did a directed drawing of gingerbread houses. Look at their beautiful creations!
Our Christmas sensory poems are finished too. Click here to read them all!
On Monday, we have a new student and family joining us. Her name is Lisa. Please help us welcome her to our class and Gilmore! The children are excited to meet her!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead! It’s hard to believe we are already nearing the end of the year. Time flies when you’re having fun and feeling joy! And that we do in our class!!
With a heart full of love and appreciation for you and your children, Ms. Chan