Burnaby Village Museum field trip will be tomorrow! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Burnaby Village Museum field trip will be tomorrow!

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips

Dear Families,

Our field trip to Burnaby Village Museum is on Thursday, December 6th. We are so excited!!  Please:

  • Ensure your child has a booster seat at school, clearly labelled with their name
  • Ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Most of the museum is outside. Students may have to stand in the rain. Warm clothes, boots and a raincoat are a must.
  • Send your child a “pocket snack”. A snack that can fit in a coat pocket that can be eaten while touring the village is great.
  • Send water and a lunch in their backpack with all the necessary cutlery.

After school pick up time will be the same. We plan to be back at the school by 2:30 pm.

Click here to view the field trip permission form for more details. 

Dear parent volunteers,

Thank you to all the parents that are able to bring us there and help supervise. In order to alleviate the congestion with the large number of students attending this field trip, leaving times and orientation times for classes will be staggered. Parent drivers, for our class, please arrive at the school at 9:55 am. We really appreciate your time.

Gratefully, Ms. Chan and Ms. Cowan

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