Big Buddies Time
Yesterday, we met with our big buddies from Division 1 for the first time! Big and little buddies got to know each other by recording their similarities and differences on a Venn diagram based on the Buddy Interview questions. They were encouraged to come up with some of their own questions to ask of each other as well.
What we saw were genuine smiles. We heard lots of chit chat with giggling and laughing too. With some students away, not everyone was with the buddy they have been assigned to but they all had a good time getting to know someone new.
We worked on one of our core competencies: communication. Click here to view.
We are already looking forward to our next big buddy time next Thursday!
Thank you for the opportunity to be finding out about All these great and fun things that you are doing in the class.
Thank you for your appreciation! We hope to give families a glimpse into what they enjoy doing or learning about. It can help spark conversation at home and inspire deeper thoughts about what happened or further learning through reflection. ~Ms. Chan