April’s End – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

April’s End

| Posted in ADST, Class News, We are mathematicians.

Dear families,

On Monday, we had a very productive Pro-D day. In the morning, we dove into a new area for our school growth plan because we will be moving away from our reading goal, which we focused on for the past few years already. This just means that the focus for staff will now shift to a numeracy goal. In the afternoon, we reviewed and worked on our other school growth goal for social emotional learning. We had a great day of working together and collaborating!

Our first assembly in two years!

On Wednesday, we had a great treat to watch a young group of actors from Arts Umbrella, aged 12-15, do a performance called Kindness. Students really enjoyed it! To learn more, read the Kindness School FAQs. Special thanks to Mrs. Barndt for organizing this for the school.

We are mathematicians.

Grade 5’s had an opportunity to show what they know about multiplication. Students will bring it home to show you. Take a look at their progress and journey of learning. They’ve come a long way! Lots to celebrate! Thank you so much for your support at home. Please sign and return it to school, thank you! This week, we will begin learning about division.

We are designers.

Students were given class time to explore different ideas, do some rough drafts, and choose a design. Your child brought home their wooden dragster on Friday. Here is some important information you will need to know:

The wheels on the planning sheet does not match the holes for the wheels on the actual dragster so they will need to mark the spots on their drawing.

Here’s the class schedule:

  • Week 1: May 1-8 Students carve down their dragster to their desired design. Please make sure there is a minimum of a 3mm rim around the hole in the back of the vehicle. There is a minimum distance from the bottom to where the hole for the wheel too. Carefully review the other requirements.
  • Week 2: May 9-13 On Monday, bring the dragster vehicle back to school. We will have a calming sanding party to sand down our vehicles.
  • Week 3: May 16-20 Painting party!
  • Week 4: May 23-27 Add wheels and finishing touches
  • Early June: Get ready to race! The date is still to be determined.


  • The weather can change and be unpredictable. Please have your child come prepared for changing weather. Thank you!
  • Please return the swimming permission forms. We are so grateful to parents for their fundraising efforts so no money will be collected for this opportunity.
  • Please continue to ask for sponsors for the Walkathon. ALL forms must be returned to school even if you do not have any sponsors. Forms are due at the end of this week. The Walkathon will be on Friday, May 6, rain or shine.
  • Thank you for your continued support for our litterless lunches!

We so appreciate you for your continued support at home!

With a heart full of gratitude, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

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