A Message from Ms. Grewal – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

A Message from Ms. Grewal

| Posted in Class News

Dear Families,

My name is Aman Grewal and I am a student teacher who will joining your child’s classroom for the next 4 weeks as part of my observational learning experience. I am super excited to be a part of the class and to have the chance to get to know each and every one of the students. I completed my undergrad in Psychology with a minor in Counselling and Human Development in the fall. Right after, I began the teaching program at SFU. Some of the things I love doing are spending time outdoors such as camping, hiking, and going out on the water. I also really love to go swimming and for long runs at the New Westminster Quay boardwalk. I have always enjoyed working with children since I was in high school and teaching has always been my dream job. I am super excited to learn from Division 9 and can not wait for everything that is to come!



Aman Grewal 

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