Week 7 Full of Fun! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 7 Full of Fun!

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Social Emotional Learning, We are athletes., We are communicators., We are mathematicians.

Dear families,

We had a week full of fun! On Monday, children had fun during our Jump Rope for Heart time. There were 10 stations set up by Division 1 for all classes to enjoy! Click here to see a video of the gym set up.

Black History Month
We learned about the life of Mohammed Ali and Martin Luther King through his “I Have a Dream” speech. We had discussions about colour and how blacks were treated in the past and continue to be marginalized today. We discussed privilege, kindness, what we can do, and then wrote our reflections.

Applied Skills & Technologies
According to our grade 2/3 curriculum, students are expected to be able to do the following:

  • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner in both physical and digital environments
  • Develop their skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work
  • Explore the use of simple, available tools and technologies things that extend human capabilities to extend their capabilities 

On Valentine’s Day, we thoroughly enjoyed our Friendship Fruit Salad! Thank you to everyone for your contribution! Every student had an opportunity to help prepare the salad by cutting fruit, peeling oranges, or separating grapes from vines. I loved how so many were coming back for seconds! It was so delicious. Why? The secret ingredient: made with love. 🙂

We had an abundance of apples for our fruit salad so we decided to bake apple crumble on Friday. We enjoyed it so much too because of the secret ingredient. I loved how we had 10 cutting boards with partners respectfully taking turns cutting the apples into small pieces.

Here’s the recipe we used:

  • Cut 10 apples into small pieces. Mix 75 ml sugar, 15 ml flour, 5 ml cinnamon, 60 ml water and add to the apples.
  • Topping: 250 ml oats, 250 ml flour, 175 ml brown sugar, 1 ml baking powder, 1 ml baking soda, 125 ml melted butter, cinnamon, and vanilla.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes in a 9 x 13″ pan.

This week, we continued to use the laptops to practice our communication skills using email. Many students are beginning to understand the parts of an email. On Friday, I introduced them to a new app: Microsoft Word. They played with their names by using the text formatting features like bold, italics, underline, shading, and changing fonts, size, and colour.

Grade 2 Mathematicians
We have been exploring addition. There is more than one way to add. My goal according to the curriculum is to show them different strategies beyond what we typically do, which is to regroup or what some know as “carrying”. I introduced them to decomposing into 10s and 1s and recomposing (e.g., 48 + 37, 40 + 30 = 70, 8 +7 = 15, 70 +15 = 85). If you’d like to support at home, have your child practice both of these ways to add 2 digits plus 2 digits.

We are authors.
I gave students developing/proficient/exceeding samples of stories at their grade level to assess against a single-point rubric. It was amazing to hear them compare and discuss differences and what would make it better. They took new insight to make their OWN stories even better!

We had mini author’s circles to read our stories to each other and receive feedback too. It was great to hear them share ideas to help improve their classmate’s stories.

Upcoming week

Wednesday, February 22nd is Pink Shirt Day. All students are invited to wear a pink shirt.

Friday, February 24 is our District Pro-D day. All staff have been invited to attend sessions at Burnaby Central and Moscrop. I am excited to be presenting two sessions! Click on the images to read the session details. I share this because I believe it helps you better understand my teaching philosophy and beliefs.

Next week, we welcome back our student teacher, Ms. Kim, for five weeks!

Have a wonderful Family Day long weekend!

Thank you for your continued support at home. We appreciate you!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan

2 thoughts on “Week 7 Full of Fun!”

  1. Christina chow says:

    Thank you for the post! Ethan loved the friendship fruit salad and crumble, he was excited to show me his apple cutting skills.

    I like the two digit math approach, we will practice this at home!

    1. chanl says:

      Dear Christina, thank you for your continued support at home. It looked like Ethan had a lot of fun as he had a lot of practice cutting!
      Gratefully, Ms. Chan

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