Week 4 Fun! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Week 4 Fun!

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips, Social Emotional Learning, We are communicators., We are mathematicians., We are scientists.

Dear families,

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend! Last week, it was fantastic to be at school for five days with lots of learning and fun!

We are communicators.

Learning to communicate our thoughts and feelings is an important skill to develop. We have an opportunity every morning during our daily Community Circle. I love how open they are to sharing how they feel and their stories. This is a positive way to listen and learn about each other, show respect, and to discover our similarities and differences.

Another important skill to develop is our written communication. Last week, we brainstormed a list of many things we feel grateful for. Then, we chose one item our hearts were tugged to write about. First, we used an idea planning sheet to record our thoughts. This helped us become more successful at articulating the details needed for writing our first paragraph! So many proud faces when they realized that what they had written was a complete paragraph with an opening sentence, supporting details, and a closing sentence!

We also regularly learn bits of sign language to communicate. We’ve actually learned quite a bit already. Feel free to ask your child what they know! On Friday, we learned how to say, “What’s your name? My name is ____. Nice to meet you!” We practiced this over and over again with our classmates.

Here are some other words they’ve been taught: more, minutes, bathroom, sit, stand, beautiful, and I love you!

Speaking of communicating, public speaking is yet another important form. This week, we will be listening to presenters share all about their name! I am SO looking forward to learning more about each child and about your family! Thank you SO much for helping your child prepare. We enjoyed the story The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. It made us think about whether we would keep our name if we had a choice to change it.

I did not receive all of the All About Me in a Bag presentation feedback forms so if you still have them at home, please fill out your part and send back to school. This way, we have a record of what your child is working on as a goal. Thank you! This time, when they bring home their feedback sheet, please fill out and send back to school. I appreciate your support!

We are scientists.

We continued with learning about matter and the three states: solids, liquids, and gases. The week prior, we placed water in a cup. This week, we noticed it all evaporated!

Last Friday, I asked all of the students to close their eyes and put out their hands. They were squealing when I placed an ice cube in their palm! I wish you were there to see their excitement as we experienced the transfer of thermal heat through conduction! Their learning logs (Matter booklets) are coming along very nicely. We can’t wait to share it with you soon!

Terry Fox Run

We had a great time on our walk in the neighbourhood. Thank you so much for your donations!

Field Trip Planned!

We are excited to share that we will have 3 sessions of ice skating with lessons on November 1, 15, and 29 (all Tuesdays) from 1:30 to 2:30pm at Kensington Complex! We will need parent drivers in order for our field trip to go ahead, please. Thank you for your support! The notice will come home tomorrow. There is a lot of information on the notice so please read carefully. I will send an electronic copy as well.

Tuesday morning

We have a performance in the gym we get to enjoy tomorrow morning!

As always, we are so grateful for the opportunity and blessing to work with your child and you this year. It is such a joy to spend our time with them! Thank you for your continued support at home and for being our partners in your child’s learning.

We appreciate you!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan (and Mrs. Paulich)

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