May 16 to 20 Update – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

May 16 to 20 Update

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Field Trips, We are authors., We are communicators., We are creative thinkers., We are mathematicians.

Dear families,

Thank you for your continued support at home! We hope you had a fantastic long weekend!

We are poets.

Students should have their affirmations complete by now. I hope to share them with you next week! If they have them finished, they have a second copy for home to read every morning and night time before bed. My hope is that they will do this for 30 days. We will reflect on how this practice has made an impact on how they believe in themselves and their well-being.

I am so impressed with their Creativity poems. Some have really taken their creativity to the next level! Our free verse poems are also SO good! They are having a lot of fun creating them. I love how many of them are so willing to share their poems with the class. I was so inspired by their poems that I wrote my own free verse poem from my heart and shared it on Twitter!

We are mathematicians.

For grade 5s, they learned how to do long division. This Wednesday, they will have an opportunity to show what they know so far in division. This is information is as much for me as it is for them to really see how independently they are grasping the concepts. They will then receive personalized feedback on what they are doing well and will understand what concepts still need more review.

Please continue to have your child practice their math facts at home. The kids who know their facts are having an easier time with understanding division. Your support at home is very appreciated!


Last week, we started to paint our dragster vehicles. This week, we will continue to paint to make our cars even better!


I so enjoyed watching the kids have so much fun in the water together. They were respectful and safe.

Reminder: Swimming at Eileen Dailly Pool tomorrow! Thank you so much to the grade 5s who brought their Be Active cards. You helped save our school money! Any parents interested to walk with us is welcome!

Grizzly Games on Friday, June 10

Feel free to order pizza on School Cash online. There will be an early dismissal at 12:15pm so please arrange for pick up at that time. We hope to see many of you there!

There will be another early dismissal on Friday, June 17 as well but at 1:45pm.

Always know that your children are loved and appreciated at school. We aim to push them outside of their comfort zones so they grow in their stretch zones. We aim to help them see themselves as leaders and try to develop their leadership qualities to live their lives like role models. It has been such an amazing fun-filled year so far and it’s because of the culture we continue to build on a daily basis through every interaction. Thank you for your continued support at home. We are stronger together as partners in your child’s education.

With much gratitude, Ms. Chan

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