End of March Fun – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

End of March Fun

| Posted in Class News, We are athletes., We are mathematicians., We are scientists.

Dear families,

We have had a fun first week back after spring break! We hope you had a restful and relaxing break as well!

We are dancers.

We started Hip Hop lessons this week. It is incredible how quickly Sue, the dance instructor, can teach them so many dance steps in a short period of time! They loved the music she chose. We are looking forward to sharing our final performance next week! Just a reminder to go to Cash Online to pay $6 for your child’s portion of the costs. Thank you so much to the Parent Council for matching the remainder of the costs!

We are mathematicians.

On Monday, we went back to our math platooning so the grade 4’s are taught by Mr. Anchor again. Both grade 4’s and 5’s are learning about multiplication. This is a great reminder to have your child practice their multiplication math facts every night at home. Five minutes a night will make a difference! Thank you for your support!

We are scientists.

On Wednesday, students attended their first Gilmore University science class on anatomy! Professor Chan introduced the circulatory system. Ask your child to teach you some facts they learned. They are learning how to take notes. A tip from memory guru and brain coach Jim Kwik: If you teach someone the concepts you just learned, you get to learn it twice! Here is the Circulatory System video for Kids we watched if you’d like to rewatch it with your child at home to review.

Side note: I really enjoyed reading Jim Kwik’s book Limitless and also thoroughly enjoy listening to his podcast Kwik Brain. Have a listen and let me know what you think!

We are artists.

Check out our art! Students worked so hard on these projects. Thank you, Mrs. Paulich for teaching art!


We had a blast today for April Fool’s Day. Ask your child about what we did to “celebrate”! What a fun day together!

Thank you so much for your continued support at home. We appreciate you!

Gratefully, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

Looking ahead, we will have an early dismissal on Thursday, April 14 at 1:45pm. Your child will bring home an agenda with work samples to share with you.


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