Welcome Back to School! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Welcome Back to School!

| Posted in Class News

[Sorry, families of Div. 6. I realized this morning that the notification didn’t go out as I wanted yesterday afternoon.]

Hello families! Welcome to Division 6!

I am absolutely thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year! My name is Livia Chan and I am also the new Head Teacher at Gilmore so Marianna Paulich will be their teacher too when I have my Admin time. She is absolutely thrilled to be your child’s teacher too!! I am so excited to be joining the community here! Since the first day I walked in, everyone has been so very welcoming. Quite honestly, it felt like home almost immediately! It has been such a joy meeting everyone. I truly feel blessed to be placed here for my first assignment as Head Teacher! I have heard so many great things about the community!

Orientation Day – Friday, September 11 @ 10:30 to 11:45am
Students are asked to line up at the front side doors (south side, to the right of the main doors to the school). We will be spending some time getting to know each other and reviewing the health and safety protocols. There is no need to bring any school supplies on this day. Your child will bring home two things: (1) School supplies list, click here. (2) Parent questionnaire. If you prefer to fill this out electronically, click here to go to our online form. Thank you for your time!

Please note: Division 6 will be in the same cohort as Division 5, Ms. Reuter’s class.

Get to Know Us
Click here to view an introduction video! Please watch it with your child. You will learn a little bit about our class this year too.

Don’t have time to watch the video? No worries! You can watch it later! Here are the highlights:

  • We are so excited to meet your child and you!
  • BEFORE coming to school, please do a daily health check.
  • Bring plenty of clothing to stay warm as we will have windows open and they will be going outside regardless of the weather.
  • Bring your own laptop or tablet (iPad) and bring earbuds with a microphone to be used for educational purposes. Please be reminded that they are responsible for their own equipment. Clearly label, please.
  • We are both passionate about building relationships and a strong community centered around respect, safety, kindness, and a growth mindset. We do this by building on our character, developing a drive for excellence, and an understanding of how we can be of service to others.

Have more time and want to get to know Ms. Chan even better? In June, I was a guest on Teach Better Talk, a podcast for educators. Click here to listen or click here to listen to my most recent on the Define YOUniversity Podcast! Feel free to visit my professional blog at livchan.com, too.

We are always here as a resource to support you as we are partners in your child’s education. We all work together! Please feel free to reach out! You have been added as a subscriber to receive notifications when a new post is published on this blog. Please take a look around!

Both Ms. Paulich and I are SO very excited to be growing and learning with your child in our classroom community and working together with you to support their learning. Thank you for all that you do at home! Anytime you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Livia.Chan@burnabyschools.ca or Marianna.Paulich@burnabyschools.ca. Please feel free to leave a comment!

We will both see you tomorrow!!

Sincerely, Ms. Chan & Ms. Paulich

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