Scientists are Learning about the Water Cycle – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Scientists are Learning about the Water Cycle

| Posted in Class News, We are scientists.

Our little scientists have been learning about the water cycle. Yesterday was super exciting because we had an opportunity to go outside to study snowflakes. Can you spot the “perfect” snowflake with clearly 6 dendrites? Click on the image to see a larger one.

We have some new vocabulary words: condensation, evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, water vapour, cloud, runoff.

Students know the words to the Water Cycle song. Watch the video to practice with the music (no words):


Today, we watched Bill Nye explain the Water Cycle. Please feel free to watch again at home to reinforce learning.


As scientists, it is important to be curious. What do you wonder about water and the water cycle? Please feel free to ask your questions here by making a comment on this blog post. Thank you for your questions!

2 thoughts on “Scientists are Learning about the Water Cycle”

  1. Olivya says:

    Dear ms. Chan Thank you for the Nice feed back . When I read your feed back i felt super happy .
    thank you for teaching me the water cycle From Olivya

    1. chanl says:

      Hi Olivya,
      I am so glad to hear how happy you felt to read my feedback. We love teaching you new things!
      Sincerely, Ms. Chan

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