Heart Art Inspired by Jim Dine – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Heart Art Inspired by Jim Dine

| Posted in Class News, We are artists., We are creative thinkers.

It is always so interesting to see how students are provided with the same materials (heart tracer, pencil, paper, and pastels) but yet the art that is produced shows such uniqueness and creativity. We love how they chose their colours and personal design to make it their very own. They practiced their mindfulness and had a sense of calm as they coloured and rubbed their pastel to blend their colours. 

After their masterpieces were completed, we had a gallery walk so to speak where we showcased each artist’s work to receive compliments from classmates. We were so impressed with the way that they noticed people’s effort, effectiveness of colours chosen, and unique creativity through their art. The positive statements made others feel extra proud of their creative work. Some students actually didn’t feel that proud of their artwork for various reasons but after hearing such positive and genuine comments made about theirs, they began to see their own work as masterpieces. So heartwarming! We witnessed the true power of words.

Core Competency connection: 

  • I can appreciate other people’s work.
  • I can communicate my thoughts in a clear way.
  • I can demonstrate my creative and artistic thinking through art.

This art was inspired by Jim Dine. Here is a sample of his work. What do you think of our artwork? How does it make you feel? Please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you!

1 thought on “Heart Art Inspired by Jim Dine”

  1. Arezoo Khodaverdi says:

    Perfect and wonderful

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