Field Trip to Burnaby Village Museum – Request – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Field Trip to Burnaby Village Museum – Request

| Posted in Class News, Field Trips

As you are already aware, on Thursday, December 6th, 2018, the primary classes will all be visiting the Burnaby Village Museum. For more details, click here to view the field trip consent form (already sent home last Friday). Closer to the date, if you need to refer to the consent form for pertinent information on times and what to bring, you can visit the Field Trips page on our classroom blog – just in case you have recycled your paper copy.

We have received many forms back, thank you. At this point, we will need more parent volunteer drivers, please. We welcome any parents who can drive in the morning only OR afternoon only OR both but cannot commit to staying with us throughout the day. Our field trip cannot be possible without your help. Please write a note in the planner or email if you are able to drive and have not informed us yet. Thank you very much for your support and to parents who already volunteered to help. We appreciate it! 

If you plan to drive, click here to print out the Volunteer Driver Authorization Form. Please send the form to school. It will be valid for the duration of this school year. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Field Trip to Burnaby Village Museum – Request”

  1. Vicki Chen says:

    Thanks Ms Chan and Ms Cowan! I didn’t get the request form. Thanks for sharing the link for us. I will print it out and take it to school. BTW, I can be a morning driver. Do you know the time we will leave the school?

    1. chanl says:

      Hello Vicki, Thank you so much for volunteering to drive. We plan to leave the school at 9:55 am. We appreciate your support!

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