Fun Times! – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Fun Times!

| Posted in ADST, Class News, Field Trips, We are artists., We are communicators., We are scientists.

Dear families,

So much we’ve enjoyed since our last post!

We had a wonderful opportunity to be an artist with Arts Umbrella in our gym. Students took a picture of their art and wrote reflections in their SpacesEDU account so please check there.

Click here to view a video of our beautiful and creative artwork! I co-created one too! It has been decades since I used pastels and paint to create art and it made me feel grateful for the opportunity.

We also had the opportunity to learn about financial literacy with a visit with Nita from Vancity. They learned about saving money and compound interest. You probably saw the can piggy bank they made to keep.

On Wednesday, May 17, thank you to our parent volunteers and the appreciated organization of Ms. Barndt, our class along with others went to Granville Island to watch students from grade 6 to 10 perform Box Car Children. This play was based on a popular children’s book series. We are grateful to the parents of Jeremy H., Addie, Cristina, Ethan, Chloe, Kiran, Sunny, Nassi, and Alex.

Last Wednesday, we are so very grateful for Nassi’s family’s generosity. They invited us to their restaurant, Sfinaki, for a most delicious lunch! This has been my family’s favourite Greek Restaurant for a very long time! We appreciate you, Denny and Crystal!

Grade 2 and 3 Math

Mrs. Pears would like all grade 3s to practice regrouping with addition and subtraction to 3-digits at home, please. For grade 2’s, they can also practice to 2-digits.

Passion Projects (ADST)

We will begin our Passion Project presentations this week! Here is a copy of the rubric we will be using to assess. Click on the image to view the PDF.


We have been doing some inquiry learning about landforms. So far, we have learned about mountains, glaciers, and valleys. How you can support at home: Ask your child what they have learned and then ask them what else they wonder. Model curiosity by sharing some questions you might have. Then enjoy researching together!

Thank you for your generous donations for the Walkathon! It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of May. We still have lots of fun learning to do as we look forward to finishing off the year strong! As always, my heart is full of appreciation for your support at home.

Sincerely, Ms. Chan and Mrs. Paulich

Upcoming dates:

  • Monday, June 5: Pro-D Day; school not in session
  • Tuesday, June 6: Wear one colour day of the rainbow. We will be taking a school photo.
  • Wednesday, June 7: Gilmore Pride day. Wear something that makes you feel proud like a Gilmore shirt or team jersey, for example.
  • Thursday, June 8: Business Fair. If you wish, bring money to buy items made by our grade 6/7’s.
  • Friday, June 9: Grizzly Games. Early dismissal at 12:15pm.
  • Thursday, June 15: Confederation Park with our pen pals from Brentwood Park.

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