Pajamas, Pancakes and Letters from SANTA!

What a great day!  We started by rolling out of bed and coming to school in our PJs! Then we had a delicious pancake breakfast with our Big Buddies.  During our Library time Mrs Fierro dashed in (she was dressed in Elf PJs today).  She had just met an elf in the hallway…he was really short and had come all the way from the North Pole.  He had letters for us and asked if she would deliver them to us.   They were icy cold! We dashed to our Big Buddies and asked them to read our letters to us!

What a day!  Have a look at the slideshow below.

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Gingerbread Man – The BIG Hunt!!

When she arrived at school, Ms. Lawder told the children she smelled gingerbread in our Classroom. She found our Gingerbread Man sleeping in the playhouse! As she approached, she stumbled and made a noise accidentally waking him up — she couldn’t catch him as he ran out the door. The children know he is still in the school! The hunt continues!
They met with Ms. Shuster’s class and planned who they needed to talk to on their hunt. Then they set off to find their Gingerbread Man!!

Watch the slide show below to see where the hunt took the Kindergartens!

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IMG_6087     gingerbread letter

The Kindergartens are making Gingerbread cookies on Friday.  If you can join us to help with the baking….let Ms Lawder know via email!  Thanks

Gingerbread Blog – Kindergartens are making GB dough!

Today the children were very excited!  At the end of last week they decided that they really must taste some Gingerbread so they are going to make some Gingerbread dough and then bake their own Gingerbread Man. They keep saying “YUM, YUM.”I really feel badly for the poor fellow they are about to make. I must say the day was rather unsettling for me. You should have heard them as they made their dough…. “I want the head!”, “I want an arm.” It really was quite horrible. Don’t they know we have feelings?? They are making their Gingerbread Man tomorrow. I must think of a plan…

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Daily 5 – Word Work!

We have continued building our reading ‘stamina’ over the last few weeks!!  We are now up to 7 minutes of sustained, quiet reading!  This week, we began the Work Work part of our Daily 5 Literacy sessions.

At one Word Work station Kindergartens practiced matching upper and lower case letters and at another station children practiced writing their classmates names and words from around our classroom.  Of course, we also practiced building our reading stamina too!!

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Our Schedule!!

I’ve just posted a copy of our daily Kindergarten schedule. It is attached to the black menu bar near the top of this page. If you would like to download the schedule and print it out…there is a download link at the bottom of the page.

Our School Pumpkin Patch!

We were so lucky to have a pumpkin patch at our school on Wednesday!  The Revitt family who have 3 daughters at our school applied for a grant and true to their family motto of “Go Big or Go Home” the pumpkin patch they created was simply fantastic! The children loved skipping through the pumpkins, munching popcorn, slurping hot chocolate and finally collecting their pumpkin to take home!

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Math Tubs

We learn a lot of our math skills in Kindergarten by using interesting manipulatives  – not just blocks and counters but spiders! pumpkins, ghosts and MORE!!   Here we are enjoying our spooky October Math Tubs!

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