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Month: November 2017

Science 9 Nov 27- Dec 1

This Week we have been looking at Atoms vs Ions
We got into the lab to look at what happens when copper(II)chloride reacts with aluminum metal.

We started to look at Ionic and Covalent bonds

How do Elements Combine to Form CompoundsPPT

How do Elements Combine to Form CompoundsStudentnotes

On Wednesday I introduced the “How to Booklet” which we will work on daily up until our Chemistry Unit test

How to guide

How Do We Name and Write Formulas Ppt

How Do We Name and Write Formulas for Compounds Notes

Thursday we looked at how to Name and write formulas for Binary Ionic Compounds

Tentative Test day for our Chemistry Unit 

                  THURSDAY DEC 7th or FRIDAY DEC 8th


Science 9 This week (Nov14-18)


Thursday we continued on Bohr Diagrams and Periodic Trends.  

Lab on Reactivity tomorrow, remember to design your data table for homework

Periodic Trends

Periodic Trends Continued Student Notes

Reactivity Trends in the Periodic Table Lab


We have started to look at Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends


Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends 


Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends student notes

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