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Welcome back,

I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing break. Here are some reminders:

Outdoor Classroom

We will continue to go outdoors rain or shine for recess, lunch and learning activities. Please ensure your child has appropriate weather attire. It is helpful to have rain boots at the school for Outdoor Classroom as the students love to explore water and often get their feet wet in the creek.

Indoor Shoes and Extra Clothes

Everything in your child’s cubby was sent home before the holiday break. Students will need to bring back their indoor shoes and extra clothes.

Students will need (at minimum):




-2 or 3 Pairs of Socks


When placing an order online please use our Class code: RC124097


We will have Library every Monday. Please return your child’s books by Friday or Monday morning each week.


While wearing masks is not mandatory, we encourage everyone to wear masks as part of our classroom/school mask wearing culture. This is to ensure we are helping to protect one another as a community of learners.


Continue to check your child’s planner for important messages, reminders and notices. Please sign under each day and check the front planner pocket for anything sent home.

Words of the week

Weekly words will be posted in your child’s planner to practice at home at the beginning of each week. You can practice reading them, writing them on whiteboards, playing word games or writing them down in sentences.

Words their way

We will practice our cards during the week during our “Word Work” portion of our Daily 5 Literacy Program. At the end of each week you will find them in the planner pocket of your child’s planner. Please take them out and keep them at home for your own practice. Your child will receive new cards each week to help develop our literacy skills.

Thank  you,

Ms. Diep

January 2021 Calendar