Creating Hypotheses: Mentos and Soda Experiment

What makes for an accurate and informative Science experiment? Well, we need to make sure we have a strong hypothesis, a clear control, and a variety of variables. Today, we began our investigation into the question: how can we create the largest, most dramatic eruption when mixing Mentos and soda?

So far, we have tested 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Zero, Pepsi, Orange Crush, generic brand cola, and soda water (our control). We noticed that the Diet sodas performed very well.

Now, as a Scientist you must decide… what variables should be manipulate to get different results? Should we test smaller bottles of pop? Different kinds of soda (ex: Sprite, Root Beer)? Should we use different amounts of Mentos? Would other candies have similar effects?

We will continue this investigation over the next week!

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