Division 4 2023-2024

Category: Math 5

Math 5 – Term 3

This term, students completed several units in math including, Fractions and Decimals Geometry, Statistics and Probability as well as concepts promoting Financial Literacy.  

While exploring fractions and decimals, students learned to create sets of equivalent fractions, compare fractions with like and unlike denominators, describe and represent decimals to thousandths, relate decimals to fractions, compare and order decimals and add and subtract decimals to thousandths. 

 In geometry, students described the sides of shapes and the faces and edges of objects. They used the terms parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal and used these attributes to identify and sort quadrilaterals. Finally, students drew prisms and pyramids on dot paper.  

 When exploring statistics and probability, students had the opportunity to construct and interpret double bar graphs, use the language of probability and compare the likelihoods of outcomes. 

Math – Term 2





This term, students completed two units in math, Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers and Measurement. Students used a variety of tools and strategies to understand and then memorize basic multiplication facts to 10×10 and related division facts. They learned to use different multiplication strategies to solve 2-digit by 2-digit and 1-digit by 3-digit multiplication questions. They also learned to use repeated subtraction to divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.  

Students explored the relationship between area and perimeter by measuring and constructing rectangles with equal perimeter and  others with equal area. They also used different strategies to solve problems involving elapsed time. 

Math Term I

This term, the grade 5 math students have focused on two of the Big Ideas in the curriculum: Identifying regularities in number patterns that can be expressed in tables, and computational fluency and flexibility with numbers that extend to operations with larger (multi-digit) numbers. Additionally, students further developed their basic math fluency skills by practicing basic addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.

At the beginning of the term, students learned to identify number patterns and write pattern rules. After that they were able to develop expressions using a variable to describe a pattern. Finally, students used patterns to write and solve one-step equations with a variable and could express a given problem as an equation, using symbols (e.g., 4 + X = 15).

Later in the term, they worked with whole numbers to 1 000 000 and used different strategies like front-end rounding, compatible numbers, benchmarks and compensation to estimate sums and differences. Finally, they used these strategies to solve problems in real-life contexts and problem-based situations.



This week we took a close look at fractions. First, we used different models to help us understand the concept of equivalent fractions. Then, we moved to using number lines to show fractions and whole numbers as fractions.

Next week, I will challenge you to use what you have learned about fractions to solve our first Problem of the Week.