Division 4 2023-2024

Month: November 2020

Mood Meter

This term, we have been talking about all the different kinds of feelings we experience. It helps us to understand ourselves and others when we can be very specific when naming an emotion. Using the mood meter, we learned that emotions can be located in four quadrants. The horizontal axis indicates the degree of pleasantness we are feeling. Some emotions are unpleasant, like fear, anger and sadness, while others are pleasant, like joy, optimism and calmness. Some emotions are high energy like panic and motivated, while others are low energy like despair and relaxed.

Although all emotions are important and necessary, sometimes we need to use self-regulation skills to move from one emotion to another. We can regulate our emotions using our thoughts and at other times we can use actions. We practiced several strategies such as taking deep breaths, thinking of our favourite place, going for a walk, listening to music, dancing… Students chose strategies for each quadrant of the mood meter and are using these strategies to independently manage their emotions.

Colour Theory Trees

We have been learning about colour theory in art with Ms. Mudry. Among other concepts, students learned that some colours are warm and some are cool. The warm colours are colours like red, orange and yellow and some of the cool colours are blue, green and purple. They were then given the opportunity to practice this theory by creating their own tree art.

First making a grid with a circle in the centre, students drew a tree trunk with branches reaching up and out to the edge of the circle. They used their understanding of line to create designs on the trunk and branches. Finally, they had to decide where to fill in the cool and warm colours.  Warm colours inside the circle made it look like the sun, while cooler colours looked more like a moon. The contrasting effect came from colouring the outside of the circle using the opposite colour choice. Students proudly shared their tree art at our virtual Hallowe’en assembly.

Gemstones found in British Columbia

Recently, our study of natural resources  in British Columbia led us to looking at specific types of rocks and minerals. We then began investigating some of the gemstones that are found in our province. Each student spent some time researching a specific gemstone and creating a one page visual. Using maps of British Columbia, they found the location of  the gemstone deposits. Then, they found an interesting fact about their gemstone and drew an illustration of it in either its raw or refined form. These pages have been sent to MineralsEd where some may be chosen to appear in next years’ calendar.