Division 4 2023-2024

Category: Music


The students in Division 3 attend Music for eighty minutes a week with Mrs. Nordstrand. In Term 2 we focused on two Elements of Music – Rhythm and Dynamics. Students experienced these concepts through discussion, videos, listening and responding to music, games and playing instruments.
Students explored the following terms for Dynamics (the volume of the sound): pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo and decrescendo. For Rhythm we continued to build on past skills using sixteenth (tica tica) sixteenth and eighth (tica ti, ti tica) eighth (ti ti) quarter (ta), rest and half note (ta ah).

Music with Mrs. Nordstrand

This term in music class with Mrs. Nordstand, students focused on the musical element Pitch – learning to read notes on the bass and treble clef. They explored culture through arts activities by participating in a virtual workshop with a Cree-Dene singer. They also studied the Families of Instruments of the Orchestra. Students observed and listened to videos of musicians followed by discussions on processes, materials, tools and techniques to create and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings.


Music with Mrs. Nordstrand


During their three classes of music a week, students have:

· Developed and refined ideas and technical skills to learn bucket drumming

· Reflected on creative processes during Virtual Christmas Concert