Division 4 2023-2024

Month: June 2021 (Page 1 of 2)


Students continued developing their touch-typing skills using the All the Right Type online typing program. Students achieved significant increases in speed and accuracy while practicing proper form and technique.

Animal Collages

Our culminating art project this term was an animal collage piece. Students used oil pastels and their knowledge of the colour wheel to choose analogous colours for their cat or dog’s eyes. Next, they drew on large sheets of paper with crayon and then colour washed the paper in vibrant water colours. After tearing the sheets into strips, students glued on the paper in a starburst fashion to suggest animal fur. Next, they applied the pastel eyes and nose. The final step was using black paint to add details around the eyes and muzzle. Thank you Ms. Mudry for teaching us so much about colour, line and perspective this year!

How to Build Your Own Country

This term, we learned about how countries are created. Students began this project by exploring their own values and then forming country groups with others based on common values. Each group chose a name and motto and designed a flag. They wrote and presented an original anthem and wrote their own charter of rights. Finally, the groups created three levels of government and allocated responsibilites at the municipal, provincial and federal level.

Core Competencies

At the end of each school year, students reflect on their growth in the areas of communication, thinking and personal and social development. Please take a moment to read your child’s core competency reflection on their blogfolio.

Le français – les collations

This term, students learned the French vocabulary for a variety of snacks (les collations). They were able to sort common snacks into two categories: nutritious and non-nutritious. They prepared posters and presented them to the class, using the phrases, C’est nutritif and Ce n’est pas nutritif. Finally, they learned to use the pronouns, il and elle and identify different preferences. i.e. il préfère…, elle préfère…

Stories of Survival – Book Club

This term, students read from a selection of harrowing tales of survival. From ship wrecks, to great escapes, desert islands to the deep woods and the far north, the characters in each story were presented with different challenges, but each find ways to meet their basic needs while surviving under unfamiliar circumstances.

The students met weekly to discuss their novels, wrote  in double entry journals and used the, “say something” strategy. They even learned about the most important survival skills to employ if lost in nature.

Simple Machines

This term, students learned how people use simple machines to make work easier. Thinking about work as the movement of an object over a distance, students conducted investigations to see how different simple machines could accomplish this task. Along the way, they discovered that forces, loads and friction all affect the ease with which an object travels from one place to another.

Math 5 – Term 3

This term, students completed several units in math including, Fractions and Decimals Geometry, Statistics and Probability as well as concepts promoting Financial Literacy.  

While exploring fractions and decimals, students learned to create sets of equivalent fractions, compare fractions with like and unlike denominators, describe and represent decimals to thousandths, relate decimals to fractions, compare and order decimals and add and subtract decimals to thousandths. 

 In geometry, students described the sides of shapes and the faces and edges of objects. They used the terms parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, and horizontal and used these attributes to identify and sort quadrilaterals. Finally, students drew prisms and pyramids on dot paper.  

 When exploring statistics and probability, students had the opportunity to construct and interpret double bar graphs, use the language of probability and compare the likelihoods of outcomes. 

Music with Mrs. Nordstrand

This term in music class with Mrs. Nordstand, students focused on the musical element Pitch – learning to read notes on the bass and treble clef. They explored culture through arts activities by participating in a virtual workshop with a Cree-Dene singer. They also studied the Families of Instruments of the Orchestra. Students observed and listened to videos of musicians followed by discussions on processes, materials, tools and techniques to create and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings.



We have been reading, Love That Dog, a novel written in free verse. The story is aslo told in diary format, from the perspective of a boy named Jack. In the beginning, Jack doesn’t appreciate poetry, but as time goes on, he is exposed to more styles of poetry and his enthusiasm grows.

As we read the story and poems, the students mimicked Jack’s experience by writing poems of their own, “inspired” by a variety of famous poets. They compiled their poems, along with original illustrations, into booklets and recited them at our Poetry Café.

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