Division 4 2023-2024

Category: French


Les sports d’hiver – Winter Sports

After learning vocabulary for a variety of winter activities and Olympic sports, students learned how to use the verb faire to turn nouns into verbs. For example, the noun, le hockey will become the verb, faire du hockey. Students also learned how to express their favourite winter activities using the expression, J’aime faire du/de la …

Le français – les collations

This term, students learned the French vocabulary for a variety of snacks (les collations). They were able to sort common snacks into two categories: nutritious and non-nutritious. They prepared posters and presented them to the class, using the phrases, C’est nutritif and Ce n’est pas nutritif. Finally, they learned to use the pronouns, il and elle and identify different preferences. i.e. il préfère…, elle préfère…

Est-ce que tu aimes…?

In French this term we continued to expand our vocabulary, learning words and expressions for activities we can do with our family.

Students learned to ask each other what they liked to do with their family. For example – Est-ce que to aimes manger le souper en famille?  They also learned to respond accordingy – Oui, j’aime manger le souper en famille. 


In French this term, we reviewed numbers to 50, months and days of the week, colours and some simple conversational expressions. Students are able to understand and respond to phrases like:

Comment t’appelles tu?                        Je m’appelle________.

Comment ça va?                     Ca va bien…mal…comme ci comme ça.

Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?             La date est…

Quel âge as tu?                                    J’ai ______ ans.

Now, we are learning vocabulary and expressions to talk about family members, activities and celebrations. Students have shared their family portraits on their blogfolios.