This is our final online music activities post for this school year.

It has been wonderful to see and hear all the amazing and creative music-making that people have been doing during this strange and unusual time.

Here is a list of all the music activities I have posted since spring break. I challenge you to try at least one that you have not done already, or to do a new version of one you have already done before (if it can be done again in a new way). You can even try one from a different age level if you like!

Primary Activities:

Activity 1: Chrome Song Maker

Activity 2: Write Your Own Song Lyrics

Lesson 3: Don’t Stop

Activity 4: Peter and the Wolf

Activity 5: Soundscape Stories

Activity 6: Solfa Practice and the Poison Melody Game

Activity 7: The Moral of the Story

Activity 8: Instruments of the Orchestra

Activity 9: What A Wonderful World

Activity 10: Tell me what you think!

Intermediate Activities:

Activity 1: Song Maker

Activity 2: BeepBox

Activity 3: Musical Autobiography

Activity 4: SoundTrap

Activity 5: Film Scoring

Activity 6: Writing Your Own Blues

Activity 7: The Planets

Activity 8: Mars and Venus again… but this time it’s Free Jazz

Activity 9: Tell Me What You Think!