CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO if you are having trouble playing it on my website.


An AUTOBIOGRAPHY is a one of the ways an author can tell their own life story – in writing. It is written by that author in their own words. A music autobiography uses important songs or pieces of music to tell your story.

Write one short “chapter” (a paragraph) of your Music Autobiography about a song you love to listen to.
It can be a song with lyrics (words), or a piece of music without words.

1. Choose ONE song to share. This song is music that you love to listen to or that has special importance to you.
Your choice might be based on one of the following suggestions…
Hearing this music …

  •  … makes me want to sing or dance
  •  … reminds me of a special person in my family (mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. )
  •  … helps me remember (a favourite trip, a family celebration, a special occasion, a fun family tradition, a favourite movie, etc.)
  •   … helps me celebrate my culture
  • … is a favourite song of my family
  •  … makes me feel ____

2. Present your song by …

  1. answering a few questions to tell why you love to listen to this music or why it is important to you
  2. adding a link to a recording of the song (or tell Mr. Martin where to find it) – YouTube, or .mp3 / .mp4 file, etc


3. Hand in your assignment to Mr. Martin by Tuesday, April 28th at 3 pm.

  • You can post your document (or do it on paper and take a picture) as a reply to the Lesson 3 post on TEAMS if you would like to share your musical autobiography chapter with everyone in the class.
  •  If you prefer that only I see it, you can e-mail your document (or do it on paper and take a picture) to me (, make sure to put “autobiography” in the subject of the email


DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT (word document) HERE  (you will need to click on the DOWNLOAD button to save a copy before you can start working on it)


Fill out and submit an online form version of the assignment here