Play Dough Learning

Looking for something fun to do across  the curriculum?  Play dough is a great choice!  Here is my never fail recipe:

Math (Measurement) & Science (Properties of Matter) coming up if you make it together…

  1. Combine dry (solids) ingredients in a medium pot:

1 Cup flour

1/2 Cup salt

2 tsp. cream of tartar

       2. Combine wet (liquids) ingredients in a liquid measuring cup:

1 Cup water

2 Tbsp. vegetable oil

Food colour of your choice

       3. Combine liquids and solids in pot and stir until combined. 

       4. Cook over medium low heat stirring constantly until it comes away from the sides of the pot (it will make a big ball–and look like play dough!)

        5. Turn out onto wax paper and knead it for a few minutes.  Let it cool–knead it again and have fun creating!


Subtraction Smash–make play dough balls–then smash some–write a subtraction sentence to go with it…



Build a Word–choose a sight word from the word wall (see previous post)–and build it using play dough snakes…

Build a Letter: playdough abc


Be creative!!!! 



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Math Fun

Hello Mathematicians,

Just thought I would give you a fun game you can play at home to practice your addition skills.  All you need is a die (two dice is better) and some counters…Lego works great!  Have fun! 

Connect 4


If you like this one…check out the “Doubles Aren’t Trouble”

post in the math category!

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Personal Word Wall

Hello Everyone! 

I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you all.  I know things are a little crazy, but I wanted to give you a resource for writing at home…please write every day!!!

Here is a printable word wall–Portable Word Wall (from Jodi Waltman) you can use it when you practice–I know it’s not the same as ours, but it will do!  

Take care of yourselves–I miss you all!


Ms. Fischer

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Directed Drawing

We had our first art lesson this week!  We learned how to draw a giraffe through the directed drawing technique (I draw, then you draw).  After drawing our giraffe’s we added some patterns in the background using wax crayons.  Our final step was painting the giraffe–so fun to see what happens when you paint over crayons!  

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Nature School is coming…

Nature school starts next Tuesday!!

I’ve sent home the following letter and brochure explaining “Nature School”.  I know we had a great time learning and exploring outside last year–and look forward to new and exciting learning adventures this year! 

Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing needed to fully participate.

new nature brochure

nature school letter to parents

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Our Schedule


Our schedule has been set! A paper copy is coming home with each child–but here it is if you can’t find yours!  If you haven’t sent an extra set of clothes or gym shoes please do so ASAP.


 parent timetable 2017

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Back to School!

Well, the summer days are coming to an end…I’m sure many of you are excited about heading back to school.  Just a few reminders for the coming week…

  1. All students will return to last year’s classes for the first week.
  2. School will be in session from 8:50-9:50 on Tuesday September 4th.
  3. Please bring your gym shoes with you for Wednesday-Friday.
  4. As I will be welcoming our new K’s for gradual entry–our class will be working with guest teachers for short periods each day (1-1.5 hours daily).

See you all soon–I look forward to hearing about your summer!

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Dracula or Frankenstein? A Ghost or a Witch?

We are hard at work learning about numbers in Division 9!  One math lesson each week is devoted to a math journal activity–this week we played a dice game (dice are one of the best math materials ever!). 

We love dice games!

For this game you need:

  • 2  six sided dice
  • something to use as counters (mini marshmallows or fishy crackers are fun!)or some crayons to colour with…

I’ve included a link so you can print it out at home to play–

Dracula or Frankenstein?

Ghost Or Witch?

Which character are you???

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Drama Games

We’ve started learning some new games in drama this week. 

I think our favourite is “The Floor Is Lava”!  This game encourages cooperation and communication–ask your child how to play…all you’ll need is something for the floor (like pillows, or place mats)!

Our second game is “I Can Do This”.  No materials needed, although I recommend a soft floor (lots of your children end up on the floor during this game–and so will you!) This game encourages attention to detail, body control and a creative mind!  Good luck trying these!

Our third game is called “Duckie Wuckie” and encourages communication and control of our outward emotions!  All this game requires is 3-4 players and an ability to keep a straight face–look out some of your children are amazing at this one!

What did you notice about your child (and yourself!) while playing these games?


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Leaf Hunt

Each Wednesday we have been participating in ‘nature school’ from 9-10:30.  We have had a great time exploring our senses.  We’ve participated in a ‘listening walk‘, a ‘looking walk’ (scavenger hunt), and a ‘touching walk’ where we explored the texture of items in nature with paper rubbings and crayons.

The last few weeks we have focused on the changing leaves and signs of fall.  Although the weather hasn’t been the best–we are still going out and enjoying ourselves.

Here are a few stories we’ve listened to/watched:

“The Rain Came Down” (We were so quiet while trying to figure out if it was Mr. Seto reading–it wasn’t!)

“Fall Leaves Fall”  (We loved her accent!)

This week we did a leaf hunt–looking for these 5 different types of leaves:

  • a smooth edged leaf
  • a toothed edge leaf
  • a lobed leaf
  • a needle
  • a compound leaf

After collecting the leaves, we used pencils to sketch them.  It was a bit wet–but the covered area at the park protected us.  What a great day!

[metaslider id=2334]

Can you go on a leaf hunt in your neighbourhood and find these leaves?


Categories: Arts Integration, Nature School, Science | Leave a comment