Class Meeting Tomorrow & Suggested Daily Routine

I hope you had a restful long weekend with your families at home!  Remember: Class Meeting tomorrow at 11:00am! (I’ll email out instructions shortly) It is recommended to download the Teams application but you still have access through the online Teams application.  ______________________________________________________________ Here is an example of how your day could look at home: […]

Updates & Organization Suggestions

Hi all,  I will be sending out an email tomorrow with the updates we received from Mr. Chow and the rest of the staff during this afternoon’s conference call.  I have begun enrolling our class in a few different online platforms that we will be using more regularly moving forward. For many of these platforms, […]

Activity Ideas from our District (optional)

Hi all,  Did you know that the Burnaby School District has put together some activities/ lessons online? Check it out at:   These lessons are completely optional!  After some of our phone conversations, I hear your need for structure, routine and for things to do! I will be putting together a rough daily routine that […]

Updates and Phone Calls with Ms. Derksen

Happy sunny Monday! This morning was quite surreal for me. In order to get back into a regular routine (sleep schedule, get ready to get out of the house, etc.), I started my day by visiting our school. I am so grateful to our district, our custodians, and our administrative team for planning to allow […]

Continuity of Learning Update: Class Blog in Progress!

Hi Division 1 Class Community,  I hope that this finds you all healthy and well during this unprecedented time! If you haven’t already, please check your inboxes and plan to do so consistently (at least once a day, if possible). I have sent out emails to our parent/family community, as well as to the students […]