English Language Arts

English Language Arts 6 & 7

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Big Ideas

Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy. Exploring stories and other texts helps us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world. Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives extends our thinking. Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully. Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
Curricular Competency


Using oral, written, visual, and digital texts, students are working on individually and collaboratively developing the following areas:

Comprehend and connect (reading, listening, viewing)

  • Access information and ideas for diverse purposes and from a variety of sources and evaluate their relevance, accuracy, and reliability
  • Apply appropriate strategies to comprehend written, oral, and visual texts, guide inquiry, and extend thinking
  • Synthesize ideas from a variety of sources to build understanding
  • Recognize and appreciate how different features, forms, and genres of texts reflect different purposes, audiences, and messages
  • Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts
  • Recognize and identify the role of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts
  • Recognize how language constructs personal, social, and cultural identity
  • Construct meaningful personal connections between self, text, and world
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Understand how literary elements, techniques, and devices enhance and shape meaning
  • Recognize an increasing range of text structures and how they contribute to meaning
  • Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, and oral tradition in expressing First Peoples perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
  • Recognize the validity of First Peoples oral tradition for a range of purposes

Create and communicate (writing, speaking, representing)

  • Exchange ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking
  • Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to purpose, audience, and message
  • Use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Use and experiment with oral storytelling processes
  • Select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose, and message
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts

We will be investigating the following content this year:


  • forms, functions, and genres of text
  • text features
  • literary elements
  • literary devices
  • argument

Strategies and processes

  • reading strategies
  • oral language strategies
  • metacognitive strategies
  • writing processes

Language features, structures, and conventions

  • features of oral language
  • paragraphing
  • language varieties
  • syntax and sentence fluency
  • conventions
  • presentation techniques