Curricular Connections

B.C.’s Curriculum Model

All areas of learning are based on a “Know-Do-Understand” model to support a concept-based competency-driven approach to learning.

Three elements, the Content (Know), Curricular Competencies (Do), and Big Ideas (Understand) all work together to support deeper learning.

Big Ideas (Understand) Content (Know) Curricular Competencies (Do)

The big ideas consist of generalizations and principles and the key concepts important in an area of learning. They reflect the “understand” component of the know-do-understand model of learning.

The big ideas represent what students will understand at the completion of the curriculum for their grade. They are intended to endure beyond a single grade and contribute to future understanding.

The content learning standards — the “Know” of the know-do-understand model of learning — detail the essential topics and knowledge at each grade level. The curricular competencies are the skills, strategies, and processes that students develop over time. They reflect the “do” in the know-do-understand model of learning. While curricular competencies are more subject-specific, they are connected to the core competencies.


Grade 7 Curricular Design in Division 1

The grade seven curriculum offers a vast array of content that allows room for imaginative exploration and learning opportunities through many different ways. I approach curriculum design with the interests, strengths and stretches of each student in mind. Students also inspire the ways in which we approach the Big Ideas in different content areas.

For further information on B.C.’s Curriculum for Grade Seven click here.