
Mathematics 6 & 7

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Big Ideas

Decimals, fractions, and percents are used to represent and describe parts and wholes of numbers. Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with integers and decimals. Linear relations can be represented in many connected ways to identify regularities and make generalizations.

Properties of objects and shapes can be described, measured, and compared using volume, area, perimeter, and angles.


The constant ratio between the circumference and diameter of circles can be used to describe, measure, and compare spatial relationships.

Data from the results of an experiment can be used to predict the theoretical probability of an event and to compare and interpret.


Data from circle graphs can be used to illustrate proportion and to compare and interpret.

Curricular Competency


We will be investigating the following content this year:
in Mathematics 6 in Mathematics 7

We are working on developing the following areas:

Reasoning and analyzing

  • Use logic and patterns to solve puzzles and play games
  • Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas
  • Estimate reasonably
  • Demonstrate and apply mental math strategies
  • Use tools or technology to explore and create patterns and relationships, and test conjectures
  • Model mathematics in contextualized experiences

Understanding and solving

  • Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations
  • Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving
  • Visualize to explore mathematical concepts
  • Engage in problem-solving experiences that are connected to place, story, cultural practices, and perspectives relevant to local First Peoples communities, the local community, and other cultures

Communicating and representing

  • Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions
  • Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions
  • Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways
  • Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

Connecting and reflecting

  • Reflect on mathematical thinking
  • Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests
  • Use mathematical arguments to support personal choices
  • Incorporate First Peoples worldviews and perspectives to make connections to mathematical concepts
Term 1

  • small to large numbers (thousandths to billions)
  • multiplication and division facts to 100 (developing computational fluency)
  • order of operations with whole numbers
  • factors and multiples — greatest common factor and least common multiple
  • one-step equations with whole-number coefficients and solutions

Term 2

  • improper fractions and mixed numbers
  • introduction to ratios
  • whole-number percents and percentage discounts
  • multiplication and division of decimals
  • increasing and decreasing patterns, using expressions, tables, and graphs as functional relationships
  • line graphs
  • financial literacy — simple budgeting and consumer math

Term 3

  • perimeter of complex shapes
  • area of triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids
  • angle measurement and classification
  • volume and capacity
  • triangles
  • combinations of transformations
  • single-outcome probability, both theoretical and experimental


Term 1

  • multiplication and division facts to 100 (extending computational fluency)
  • operations with integers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and order of operations)
  • two-step equations with whole-number coefficients, constants, and solutions

Term 2

  • operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and order of operations)
  • relationships between decimals, fractions, ratios, and percents
  • discrete linear relations, using expressions, tables, and graphs
  • financial literacy — financial percentage

Term 3

  • circumference and area of circles
  • volume of rectangular prisms and cylinders
  • Cartesian coordinates and graphing
  • combinations of transformations
  • circle graphs
  • experimental probability with two independent events