Division 18 @ Brentwood Park

Month: June 2024

Summer is almost here!

Today was our last full day of school. At closing circle we shared our thoughts of the best part of being in division 18. Field trips, kindness, new friends and having fun all came up from many students.
It was a pleasure to be with this group and watch they grow this school year. They are special, kind, funny and thoughtful ❤️
Wishing everyone a wonderful summer!

Celebrating our authors

We celebrated the author’s in our class by having everyone read a finished book to a partner and then some people chose to read their Book to the whole class. Our students wrote a variety of stories and worked really hard on editing. Here are some photos of them sharing their work with each other.


Our class has been learning about different Indigenous Peoples traditional ways of living and students showed their learning of one of these groups of people in a diorama. Today they showcased their work to other classes and presented the information to others. Students used a variety of materials to created their diorama and used their creativity to build the homes and animals they needed to include. Below are photos from today.

Sports Day

What a fun morning! We are so glad the weather held up and everyone had fun at the different stations created by grade 7 students! Stations involved speed, balance, fine motor skills, throwing, agility, aiming, and having friendly competition!
Here are some photos that captured today: