Lesson #2

Introduce and discuss peer conflict, mean behaviour & bullying behaviour definitions.


Peer Conflict – there will be times when we disagree with others, it is normal and natural to have some challenges with our friends, classmates and families. We are not born with knowing how to handle every situation, we learn as we grow.

Mean Behaviour – there will be times when an interaction with another person will be stressful and develop into big emotions like anger and overwhelm. In these moments we just react and therefore we do or say things we regret. The emotional part of the brain just reacts instead of responding reflectively.

Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behaviour with these three items below

  • the bully has more power & is stronger in some way (physical, smarter, popular or high social status)
  • it occurs repetitively (not random)
  • it is done on purpose, it’s planned out and it the person wants to cause harm or create fear


Discuss the types of Bullying.

  • Physical: punching, hitting, slamming, spitting, slapping, stealing, intimidation & following people
  • Verbal: using put downs, teasing, taunting, name calling (racial – colour of skin, ethnic, religious or homophobic), threats or other hurtful comments related to appearance and gender
  • Emotional: excluding, ignoring, spreading rumors, whispering, gossiping, glaring looks
  • Electronic: using the computer to post hurtful or embarrassing information, sharing embarrassing photos