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Writing Activity #2

Tell me about 2 things you liked to do at school, and you miss doing!

  1. Try your best to write a complete sentence Example At school I like to: play with my friends at recess and do “read to self” during daily 5.
  2. Draw a picture of the things you like to do –>Remember: try to add detail to your picture
  3. Colour your picture –>Remember: to practice staying in the lines, and colouring beautifully (use different colours, light soft strokes)

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Task #2: “April Me”

Activity: Draw a picture of yourself in the box labeled “April Me”

**Our class should be very familiar with this task because we have done a self-portrait of ourselves each month to see how much we change and how much our drawings improve throughout the year.**


  1. The picture should look like you when you are actually drawing the picture. What colour is your shirt? What does your hair look like? Etc.
  2. Don’t forget all the parts of your face (eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears etc.)
  3. Colour your picture (remember to try your best to colour your picture beautifully)
  4. Don’t forget to write your name at the bottom

Stay in the lines and use soft, light strokes (like Ms. S taught us)


  1. Around your picture, draw 2-3 small pictures of things that happen/or you see in April.

Example: Easter eggs, cherry blossoms, trees, the sun, or anything else that you can think of!

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Hi Div. 10. Welcome to our class blog!

I am excited to continue our learning together online. This will be a place where I will post information, lessons, and activities that you can do at home. I have added links to our online resources so that you can access all the information in one place. I will also be posting videos of myself from time to time, and will sometimes have links to videos of other primary teachers from Windsor that you can access.

I know this is new and tricky for all of us (even me), but we will grow as learners together …. And like always we will TRY OUR BEST!

Make sure you visit the blog regularly to access new ideas and activities that you can explore at home.
I miss you all very much … and I am looking forward to seeing you all again!

Ms. Yaz  🙂

Writing Activity #1

Tell me about what you have been doing at home during Covid-19.

Have you been reading? Watching movies? (what movies)? Do you help your parents with house chores? Have you been building lego? Creating art?

3 options:

  1. Draw a picture of what you have been doing and label at least two items in the picture


  1. Write two or more sentences about the things you have been doing


  1. Write two or more sentences AND draw a picture of what you have been doing



Task #1: Class Agreement

Div.10 – DON’T forget our “Class Agreement”

  • Click on the picture below and read our class agreement with your parents
  • Don’t forget that I expect that you follow all the same expectations in our “Class Agreement” when you are learning online and at home with your families.
  • The way you follow our “Class Agreement” may look a bit different – but the expectations are the same.

For example,                                  Click to enlarge ⇒ 

  • You need to be “kind and helpful” to your family
  • You need to listen to teacher and parent directions
  • You need to be friendly and share with your siblings

Remember you all signed our “Class Agreement” with your “finger signatures” and even though we are not in the classroom – WE ARE STILL A CLASS COMMUNITY,  so the “Class Agreement” still stands.

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