Our Sleeping Garden

Dear Families,

We are very lucky to have gardens and outdoor spaces to explore! As citizens of our school, it’s important for us to help take care of them. Our class wanted to tell you about a big job we did to help take care of our garden:

“We helped put our garden to sleep! We picked leaves with our friends from Ms. Street’s class. We filled 6 big bags of leaves! This was hard work ’cause it took so long. Ms. Street’s class helped us so we could be quicker. Then our bags of leaves disappeared! We think they got thrown out – maybe they didn’t know what was in them. So, then we had to fill them up again! We worked faster! The workers helped us make leaf piles for us to carry them and then put them in the bags.”


“We took out the plants and the veggies from the soil. We had to pull from the bottom to get the roots. We found radishes, carrots, beets, lettuce, and lots of leaves! We shake the soil off. We enjoyed it, we loved it!”


“Then we put the blanket of leaves on.”


It was wonderful to see all the students participating and helping out in the garden! We had a lot of work to do! As I watched and listened to the children, I noticed kids working together to pull and carry plants to the compost. I heard surprise and enthusiasm when someone pulled out a root vegetable or a large plant from the roots, and I noticed kids taking so much pride in their work and what we accomplished! I also learned a lot about the children; working outside helps me see the students in a different setting and context, and I love noticing the strengths and interests that pop up! It is a joy to work in the garden together!


6 thoughts on “Our Sleeping Garden

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read about our garden explorations! There is so much value in connecting with nature and our outdoor spaces.

  1. Thank you for sharing these nice moments with us.
    It is important for the kids to understand where their food comes from.

    1. We are lucky to have access to a garden all year so the kids can take part in harvesting as well as planting seeds in the spring!

    1. It’s wonderful to hear that these experiences are being shared with you at home with so much excitement! I appreciate you sharing the blog posts with your kids!

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