Power Play Young Entrepreneurs

Looking Back

Part A: Considering your success.

  • what did you enjoy

I enjoyed seeing all of the other products
and when people buy my product.

  • What did you learn

I learned that next time if we do the market research fair,I should have a sample product therefore people could ” test” or squeeze the stress ball. Furthermore next time I do this project( that’s if I choose stress balls) I should have quantity over quality.

  • What was one problem you had?How did you overcome it?

One problem I had was when people squeezed the weaker stress balls with the fishnet, the fishnet got stretched so I grabbed the tip of the balloon and slide it through the hole of the fishnet so it got stronger on all sides. Another problem I had was when a bunch of little kids came running to my table and started to squeeze all of the stress balls, some got really weak and one popped because they poked the part that popped out.I overcame that problem by adding a sign saying” Please ask if you want to touch” and most kids listened.


Young Entrepreneurs: considering your success (Part A)

Congratulations!  Now that you have finished your Young Entrepreneur marketplace, you can consider your success and learn from your experience.

[Trademark by PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an educational program designed for grades 4-8 classrooms.  PowerPlay Strategies Incorporated, Surrey, B.C.]   www.powerplayforsuccess.com    (Thanks Mr. Baldin for introducing this to our school c/o Vancity).
  1. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed many things. Seeing others products, making sales, earning money, and just the thrill of trying to convince people to buy my product. I really believe this will benefit in the long run. Just the experience from being an entrepreneur is very important in this day and age.

  1.  What did you learn?

I learned that it’s not that easy to convince people to buy my product. And i believe as a class we learned the basics skills of setting up a business. You need ads, a kitty (change), and the product itself. We also learned how to be salespeople–we were a public and crowded place, fighting for sales–the people who made money understood what goes into getting one sale. It’s not easy, but we learned. 

3.  What was one problem you had?  How did you overcome it?

One problem  I had was, getting my customers to stay after just squishing my stress balls a few times. The way I overcome this problem was putting on a smile and a more kind way of talking. Thus, creating what I believe to be a more calm and peaceful area. Making them able to stay for 30 seconds while I explain my prices, and ask them if they would like to buy.

Young Entrepreneurs: evaluating your product (Part B)

You must also consider the success of your product.  Remember, the amount of money you made is not what’s most important.  The main goal with this program was to have fun learning about business.

  1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)... Well, my business is called: Joel’s Stress Balls! and my slogan is: Eradicate your stress forever!! And I do have a picture   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YR_KGsmZkiRE_8KoP_zvhmMELS4bz8qz/view?usp=sharing
  2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?… I felt really good about the decision I made to make stress balls. Because I spent nothing to make them, they were completely free of charge to make, because I just used food ingredients instead of high-end materials to make them.
  3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?… I will definitely remember to pick a product that I enjoy making. I had a great time with Jonah making a whole bunch of stress balls. And that really added to the joy of this experience.

Young Entrepreneurs: Helping Others (Part C)

Responsible business owners help others by donating a portion of their profits to their communities.  Think about how your business helped others.

  1. What organization did you choose to support?… I chose to donate to Me to We because it’s a organization I trust, I know a lot of about, and i’m a part of Me to We. And I know my money is 100% going to help someone.
  2. What does this organization do?… Me to We does a lot of different campaigns and fundraisers for countries and causes around the globe. The campaign I specifically chose to donate to is We Walk For Water I have a blog explaining what we did and what this. Click on the link to read it… http://sd41blogs.ca/smithjoanne/we-walk-for-water-2/
  3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?… It really feels great. I am an active helper around the school inside and out and i’m part of Me to We to be able to donate my own money to a foundation I trust and believe in.  It is amazing.

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

1. I am proud of this because…

I am proud because not only did I walk holding heavy jugs of water like women and children in Sierra Leone, but I was able to raise money!

2. Something new that I learned and understand better…

I understand the pain it brings them. Even though I had only been walking for 25 minutes my shoulders, arms, and legs felt sore and heavy, like someone had been throwing rocks at my back. That is peoples daily. It really made me re-think how much we take water for granted.

3. My biggest challenge was

My biggest challenge was walking with two large jugs, and trying to do as many as laps as I could. The pain that grows on you is absolutely terrible.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about… 

I have no questions. I just know that this is a huge problem and I am happy that I can help someone, even just one person makes a difference.

Quiet Time

What is Quiet time?

Quiet happens 3 times in the mornings.

Quiet time helps us be inside our own bubble or zone,

You can do anything you want that is legal. You can sleep,

write, and draw. It is a place where it’s just you.

1. What things do you do at quiet time?

For me I mostly do school work when I’m behind or trying to do extra. But when I am done everything I do anime art or just a drawing of something in my classroom. Other than me my classmates like to sleep or even write a story. Some just sit there and do nothing.

2. What do you like or don’t like in quiet time? Why?

In quiet time I like how you can be in your own space and do anything you want without anyone interrupting or trying to stop you.

  1. What do you feel during Quiet Time?

I feel safe,alone(in a good way). I feel calm and more productive when there is silent. I also feel more like I notice more around me than just looking at something and thinking of for a second.

My Quiet Time Experience

Quiet time. Such an interesting thing to do in class. I enjoy getting to be in my own personal bubble. Now I will talk about quiet time and how wonderful and annoying it is/ can be.

What do I do during Quiet time? I normally do work and sometimes I think about Pokemon strategies/ combos. What do I like and don’t like about quiet time and why ? What I don’t enjoy is when people start talking to each other. It is called quiet time not talking time. What do you feel during quiet time? I feel relaxed during quiet time. It is nice that I get some quiet most of the time. What do you notice about quiet time? I notice that a lot of people enjoy drawing during quiet time. I guess we have some good artists in this class. What does quiet time mean?  Quiet time means enjoyment and relaxation. What surprised you? What surprised me is how many things we can do/ how many choices we have. There are so many things we can during quiet time.Do you have any questions? Yes I do have a question. What I wonder what tests people did to prove that quiet time helps with school/ academics.




My Thoughts on Quiet Time

Three days out of the five that are spent in school per week, my class does Quiet Time. Quite Time is a fifteen minute block of time daily that we spend doing whatever we like, quietly. It is a time when you are free to do whatever you want, and in my case it really helps to relieve stress.

During Quiet Time, I like to draw simple sketches on paper, or sometimes I like to read or do unfinished schoolwork. Other times I use the time to just collect my thoughts, and calm down and relax, or I use the time given to me efficiently by doing work that is assigned to me.

Something I like about Quiet Time is that it gives me a bit of time to focus just on myself, and I am allowed to do whatever I want to do during that time. I also like it because it makes me feel more calm, and sometimes I feel like some time in my own personal bubble is just what I need. Even though Quiet Time is only fifteen minutes long, that small amount of time is a much appreciated snippet of my day.

When Quiet Time is in effect, I feel calm, collected and content. I like having the freedom to do whatever I want. I can draw, I can read, I can sit there just looking into space with my thoughts miles and miles away. My only restrictions are that I cannot disturb/interact with others, and that I have to be quiet. To be honest, I quite like that we have to stay in our personal bubbles, because although I don’t like to be alone, sometimes I enjoy having some time to myself, without other people.

I notice that Quiet Time greatly improves my mood throughout the day, since stress is definitely not fun for me, and Quiet Time helps me get rid of some of it. Having a little bit of time to quietly reflect on myself can go a long way with improving my mood!

Overall, Quiet Time is a time of the day that I value and enjoy taking part in. I wish that we got to do it five days out of five. I would recommend it to anyone, and I really enjoy taking part in it.

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