We Walk for Water

We Walk for Water


Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

1. I am proud of this because…

I never walk a full lap around the school, without having to take a break. I’m not a big fan of exercising, and I dread to do it daily. I would rather sit on the couch each day, with chips on my lap, and the screen on, but I am proud of myself and my other peers for walking with 2 heavy milk jugs/buckets, because I wanted to experience what the girls in Africa have to go through everyday-walking 8 or more hours a day for collecting DIRTY water…without going to school. I am proud to say that I’ve walked 10 laps with the outcome of having a freaking,sore back, shoulders, legs, arms, but I haven’t screamed yet, but I feel like we need to experience the toughness of it all.

2. Something new I learned and understand better…

I understand what (mostly) girls go through on a daily basis, and the dark pain they have to suffer everyday, without a negative attitude and compliant. That they don’t have a chance to go to school, I’m realising that even the most important, basic things are what sadly some people don’t have. My heart goes all out to those girls!

3. My biggest challenge was…

WALKING! You know what, I can’t even carry my backpack up the stairs. Therefore, carying 2 heavy milk jugs around the school, but somehow I mange to do…without dieing.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

I don’t have any questions right at the moment, but maybe I will have some pop into my head soon.


Thanks for reading, xo





We Walk For Water

We Walk for Water

  | 1 Comment


Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

1. I am proud of this because…

I just experienced the hardships that most girls in South Africa had to go through, I am proud that I did 9 laps around my school for only 25 minutes, most girls in South Africa have to walk hours just to collect water that’s not even clean! I had to carry one big bucket full of water and every step I took; the water splashed on me. The outcome that came out is sore shoulders, legs, and arms.

2. Something new that I learned and understand better…

Something I can say that I understand better is that it’s very important to have clean water, we have many uses to water like cooking, bathing, and for drinking. Some girls don’t even get to go to school due to collecting water everyday, I can’t even handle walking for 25 minutes! Big appreciation to these girls!

3. My biggest challenge was…

My biggest challenge was walking, I can barely get out the door in the morning what more these girls waking up very early just to get water! My other biggest challenge was to STAY DRY.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

Sometimes I wonder what’s it’s really like to be in their shoes or what it’s like to have to drink unclean water?

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

  1.  I am proud of this because…
  2. Something new that I learned and understand better…
  3. My biggest challenge was…
  4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

Why am I proud?

I am proud because I raised $30 and $25 gives one person clean water for life! Have you ever gotten the sense pride from doing something that helps others. My group of students in MetoWe raised $339 rounded to the nearest dollar, just in pledges! Isn’t that amazing!

Something new that I learned and understand better is…

How difficult it must be to fetch water for your family. Children (more commonly girls) have to walk for hours often with bare feet just to get water that may not even be clean. We only walked for 25 minutes, imagine walking for six hours everyday! It must be extremely difficult.

My biggest challenge was…

I would probably say my biggest challenge was try to carry the jug or bucket without putting too much stress on my shoulders and elbows. Carrying two milk jugs or one milk jug one bucket is difficult in case you didn’t know! It put a large quantity of stress and discomfort on my shoulders and elbows. I feel bad for all those people having to collect water.

I have questions about…

How much money did MetoWe as a whole across Canada raise in this fundraiser?

How will MetoWe donate the money to the civilisations in need ?

I hope you enjoyed my post!


We Walk For Water


Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

  1.  I am proud of this because… I was able make an effort to understand the struggle of young females having to walk miles just to get water. The fact that I was able to replicate it, even if it was on a smaller scale. Definitely makes me proud that I tried to get an understanding and experience something new.
  2. Something new that I learned and understand better… One thing that I learned is the struggle is real. And when we were walking it wasn’t easy. I thought I going to be able to breeze though laps, but I couldn’t. I had to take my time and catch my breathe, and the fact that people do this everyday, for longer is astonishing and admirable.
  3. My biggest challenge was… I believe that the hardest hurdle was keeping myself motivated, remembering what am I doing can make a difference, and acting on that motivation to push myself further, and further. Finishing those laps really meant something to me.
  4.  I still have questions and uncertainties about… How they set up. How do they get ready to make this journey everyday. What is their mindset? How do they have the motivation to do that everyday that’s my greatest question?

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

1. I am proud of this because…

I am proud because not only did I walk holding heavy jugs of water like women and children in Sierra Leone, but I was able to raise money!

2. Something new that I learned and understand better…

I understand the pain it brings them. Even though I had only been walking for 25 minutes my shoulders, arms, and legs felt sore and heavy, like someone had been throwing rocks at my back. That is peoples daily. It really made me re-think how much we take water for granted.

3. My biggest challenge was

My biggest challenge was walking with two large jugs, and trying to do as many as laps as I could. The pain that grows on you is absolutely terrible.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about… 

I have no questions. I just know that this is a huge problem and I am happy that I can help someone, even just one person makes a difference.

We Walk for Water


Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

  1.  I am proud of this because…
  2. Something new that I learned and understand better…
  3. My biggest challenge was…
  4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

Young Entrepreneurs Show – Draft

The Young Entrepreneurs Show was truly amazing. 

I learned that I can do anything if i put my mind and my grind to it.

Here is my evaluation!



Watching people use my product and play with the stress balls really REALLY filled my heart with joy ^_^


I learned that the decoration of your table will really come into play! If it’s an attractive table it grabs more attention and more people will come to it ^_^


My one problem was people stopped coming to my table after school, i got kind of a panic attack but i stayed calm. I overcame my problem by advertising! I let out the word that i had amazing stress balls and it really worked!! ^_^


Young Entrepreneurs: considering your success (Part A)

Congratulations!  Now that you have finished your Young Entrepreneur marketplace, you can consider your success and learn from your experience.

[Trademark by PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an educational program designed for grades 4-8 classrooms.  PowerPlay Strategies Incorporated, Surrey, B.C.]   www.powerplayforsuccess.com    (Thanks Mr. Baldin for introducing this to our school c/o Vancity).

1.  What did you enjoy? 

2.  What did you learn?

3.  What was one problem you had?  How did you overcome it?

Young Entrepreneurs: evaluating your product (Part B)

You must also consider the success of your product.  Remember, the amount of money you made is not what’s most important.  The main goal with this program was to have fun learning about business.

  1.  Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
  2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
  3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
1 3 4 5 6 7 8