Quiet Time

Dear student.  We have been doing Quiet Time for a few months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?

4.  What do you notice about it?

5. What does it mean to you?

6. What surprised you?

7.  Do you have any questions?

Before you blog, I expect you to read the QUIET TIME BROCHURE posted on our class website. I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Quiet Time

    In quiet time the things I like to do is read, play with PlayDoh and sometimes daydream. Moreover, there are things I do not like about quiet time those are, people whispering or talking it’s very distracting. There are things I like about quiet time like it’s calm and it’s fun. For 3 years I’ve’ been here Ms. Smith class is the only class that does this, I’m surprised that only one class in the school does this. My question is why do other teachers not do this.

  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    I like to read, draw, sleep, and do work.

    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    I love Quiet Time, it can be calm and relaxed.

    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    I feel calm and not stressed.

    4. What do you notice about it?
    The music can sometimes mess up what I’m doing. Like if I’m drawing and the music gets louder, it kind of throws me off.

    5. What does it mean to you?
    It means a lot to me because i get time to my self.

    6. What surprised you?
    The time fly’s very fast.

    7. Do you have any questions?

  • 1. I draw people and show them to others.

    2. I like the freedom because I don’t do any work for 15 minutes. I don’t dislike anything, because it’s very helpful in combating stress.

    3. I feel relaxed and happy.

    4. It helps people combat stress. I saw a brochure that my teacher told us to look at and the brochure said that quiet time can combat stress because you get your own time to meditate and have time for yourself

    5. It means that I have freedom. Freedom to draw things on my whiteboard

    6. It helped me combat my stress. I feel better now.

    7. No.

  • 1: I choose to do, lego, read, and draw during quiet time. 2: I don’t like how quiet, quiet time is. 3: peace, relaxation, and calmness. 4: that people aren’t a quite in quiet time. 5: it means that everybody has a chance to relax and be safe. 6: that people get sent out during quiet time when you’re supposed to mind your business and stay in your bubble. 7: no

  • In quite time i like to draw, because it’s my normal everyday activity. I like everything about quiet time, because no one’s allowed to disturb you. I feel very calm every time I do quiet time because I’m letting all my stress leave my body. I notice that everything in the room is very quiet than normal. It’s important for me because it lets my stress leave my body. That it’s even a thing in schools. When did it start? It started in San Francisco.

  • When I first got in miss Smith’s class she introduced quiet time to other people and I. During quiet time, I like to colour, draw, read, or just daydream. However, I find it very hard to calm down with people whispering and doing distracting things. Other than that, I find quiet time very calming and nice to just have time to yourself. I noticed that during quiet time people are less chaotic, well kind of. Quiet time also is really cool to me. It’s surprising how quiet our class is during quiet time.

  • Dear student. We have been doing Quiet Time for a few months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

    1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    For the past few weeks I been using play-doe. Play-doe doesn’t make any sounds i their then the rolling pin but ya, play-doe is super quiet.

    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    What I like about Quiet Time, of course it’s quiet, and you can do anything you want if it’s quiet. What I dislike about Quiet Time is the amount of people fooling around in it. They write weird messages and drawings that are annoying.

    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    What I feel during Quiet Time is peace and quiet. It is great that we can be quiet and peaceful for at least 15 minutes, and more classes should do this.

    4. What do you notice about it?
    What I noticed about Quiet Time is that the people that are loud, noisy, and cause a disturbance are quiet for once.

    5. What does it mean to you?
    Quiet Time means a lot to me. When it was the first time hearing about Quiet Time, I was confused, and excited. My Brother was in this class,he told me a lot about Quiet Time. That’s what it means to me.

    6. What surprised you?
    Quiet Time surprised me because, it is so much fun even though it’s quiet. Another thing that surprised me was the lack of classes that are not doing Quiet Time. What I know is that Ms. Smith is the only class that does this from my years of K-to-7.

    7. Do you have any questions?
    One of the questions I wonder is, how many schools in North America are using Quiet Time? And, if you say no to Quiet Time, is there a reason why?

  • In quiet time I usually choose to read in a comfortable spot, just today I was reading under the speech podium in a weird but comfortable position. Sometimes do a fun thing like play-doh or whiteboards.I like quiet time because I have nobody who can bother me. But, I sometimes don’t like it because I can’t talk with other people. During quiet time I feel kinda like how you feel when you get out of a good massage or sauna, that feeling of ”Ahhhhh” I guess. What I notice about quiet time is that everybody seems like they are alone in a room. They mind their own business like they are all alone in the class. It’s not a bad thing but I think its cool.To me, quiet time isn’t some kind of thing that I absolutely need in my life. Yes, I like it, but I don’t need it to go on with my life. Nothing really surprised me about quiet time, but at first, it felt “different.” Last year my class was just “RAAA RAAA WHOOO” and loud and never really had a “calming” moment. The only question I have for Ms. Smith is: How did your students first react to quiet time?

  • 1) I choose to take a nap or I draw.
    2) I like quiet time because nobody can bother me and I can get a little nap during school.
    3) I feel very peaceful.
    4) I notice that some kids in the class like quiet time and some kids talk during quiet time.
    5) It means to me that you have your personal space and not to interacting with other people.
    6) What surprised me was that how peaceful it is and how quiet it gets because are class is always loud.
    7) My question is can we change the music for quiet time?

  • What do I usually do during quiet time?
    During quiet time, I usually do work that I haven’t finished, but sometimes I read when I don’t have any work to do. Some days, I just think and try to collect myself when I get a bit frustrated at school. I usually do this when I don’t feel like reading and I don’t have any school work I have to do.

    What do you like or dislike about quiet time and why?
    What I like about quiet time is how relaxing it is. It gives us the time we need to do anything we have to do while it’s quiet for 15 minutes. Quiet time is something that is calm and relaxing, but sometimes it can get boring when I have nothing to do.

    What do you feel during quiet time?
    I feel calm, relaxed, soothed and usually stress free during quiet time. Stress is something that can interfere with work, school work, and more everyday things you have to do. Quiet time helps relieve stress so you can do those things without feeling any stress at all.

    What do you notice about it?
    I noticed that quiet time is affecting most of the class in a positive way. I also noticed that some people during quiet time are secretly showing other people messages, which is a bit annoying.

    What does it mean to you?
    Quiet time means everyone is finally quiet and calm for once. Everyone has their own personal space, and time for themselves. This is what quiet time means to me.

    What surprised you?
    Not much surprised me about quiet time, it’s calming, relaxing, focused, and exactly the way imagined it would be. The exact opposite of surprising

  • 1. Whenever we have quiet time we have a variety of activities to do, I usually try to fall asleep.

    2. At the beginning of I liked quiet time because I could do whatever I want as long it’s to myself, but now I find it quite inconvenient mostly because I like talking to people, I like telling jokes to people, I am a people person.

    3. Nowadays, I get really bored during quiet time because it disrupts my thinking and sound is something that I like, any sound, I find it better than silence or near silence.

    4. I notice that I don’t enjoy it like I did in the first.

    5. The meaning of quiet time is a time to rest our minds and focus on ourselves.

    6. Quiet time doesn’t have anything that surprises me, silence is something that happens in reading and days like Remembrance day so I don’t have anything to be surprised about.

    7. I Don’t have any questions.

  • 1. When it is quiet time i play with cards and lego.2.I don’t like quiet time because its just too quiet.3.because i am really eager to talk because it is really tempting .4. That a lot of people talk and Miss Smith doesn’t notice .5.Nothing really.6. That we get to play with cards and sleep, play with lego and draw.7.Why do you do this?

  • Dear student. We have been doing Quiet Time for a few months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

    1. During quiet time I like to fidget. anytime, I want to get my hands on stuff that I can fidget with.

    2. I like that fact that you are not supposed to talk with anyone and you must stay in your own bubble. This allows me to rest and relax. One thing in this class that I don’t like for quiet time is that some people talk or whisper to each other when they aren’t supposed to.

    3. I feel relaxed and calm most of the time, but when people talk it ruins the silence.

    4. I notice that it relieves miss Smith’s stress and others too.

    5. Quiet time means a time to relax and relieve stress. It can mean to be calm and to stay in your own bubble.

    6. A lot of people talk more than last year.

    7. I don’t have any questions that I can think of.

  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    – What I stuff I chose during Quiet Time is…
    – Reading
    – Drawing
    – Doing homework that is do the next day
    – Sleeping
    – Staring off into space
    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    What I liked about Quiet Time is, it’s a time to relax,no one can bug you, no one will talk to you, know one will be there to poke you.
    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?

    I feel calm and free to do anything I want (without going into anyone else’s bubble).

    4. What do you notice about it?
    It makes us feel calmer during the day and gives us time to relax and figure out some of our life problems. Also can make us think of great ideas because we could be bored and think random thoughts.

    5. What does it mean to you?

    A time to relax and do what I want to do there is no one bossing me around telling me what to do, there is NO homework that is needed to be done at that exact time. It is a time to enjoy, and a time to relax.

    6. What surprised you?

    That there are so many countries/schools that do quiet time when at first I thought it was only my class!

    7. Do you have any questions?
    – How did this start?
    – Was this first for some medical issue?

    Here’s a joke: Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    I usually just sit there and do nothing.
    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    I like how we have can we can do whatever we want.
    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    I feel calm because there is calming music in the background and it is usually quiet.
    4. What do you notice about it?
    That a lot of kids secretly whisper/talk.
    5. What does it mean to you?
    Not much.
    6. What surprised you?
    That we are aloud to sleep.
    7. Do you have any questions?

  • Q1- I choose to read or draw on the whiteboard.
    Q2- I like the calm we get during quiet time, and I don’t like that people talk during it.
    Q3- I feel quiet, a time very calm and relaxing.
    Q4- I notice that people are mostly quiet during quiet time.
    Q5- It means that you are in heaven.
    Q6- It surprises me because it is 3 days a week.
    Q7- No I don’t have any questions.

  • 1.During Quiet Time you can read books or you can sleep so you can relax your mind from all the stress.

    2. The thing I don’t like about Quiet Time is that you are not allowed to talk to your friends or at least whisper. The reason I pick that is because I like to talk a lot and sometimes I don’t stop talking.

    3. During Quiet Time I feel relaxed, calm cool. But I also feel bored at times because I think I should be doing more active activities.

    4. Everybody is quiet.

    5. It doesn’t really mean much to me.

    6. Not much really but that a lot of people liked it.

    7. Nope.

  • 1. I choose to do
    build stacks of cards and play with play dough that’s what I do during quiet time.

    2. I like to play with the playdough and other stuff I like.
    thing I don’t like is that were not aloud to talk to your friends and that”s boring when you have to be in your own personal bubble.

    3.I feel bored when it’s quiet time were not aloud to make noise and were not aloud to talk to are friends so i feel really bored when it’s quiet time

    4.I notice everyone makes drawings and some people draw,sleep,and catch up on homework.People are usually pretty quiet but sometimes it is super noisy

    5.Quiet time doesn’t really mean anything to me

    6.nothing surprises me sometime it’s pretty noisy but most of the times it’s quiet so i’m not surprised it’s really noisy


  • 1. The things I personally enjoy doing during quiet time for those 15 minutes is drawing because for me drawing is fun and relaxing at the same time.
    2. I like quiet time because its when you get to do something quiet while everyone else is quiet and hear calming music for the added relaxation.
    3. During quiet time I feel relaxed, quiet, and stress-free because I can catch up on my homework and not have to worry about it for later. 4. What I notice about quiet time is that not very many people enjoy being quiet and that instead, they would prefer to talk to their friends instead which I can’t really blame them since I enjoy talking to my friends as well but personally, I feel like talking to your friends during quiet time is not a good idea because your meant to be quiet especially when you have lunch and recess you can talk to them as much as you may like. 5. What quiet time means to me is that you can be quiet and amuse yourself as much you may like as long as it’s quiet.
    6. What surprised me about quiet time is that due to some studies quiet time can help decrease the number of school suspensions which surprised me the most because who knew that being quiet could help you get in less trouble. 7. A question I have for quiet time is that why haven’t other teachers started quiet time much before?

  • 1. I like to draw people in a funny way so they will laugh, and show them after. Sometimes I play with Legos or Playdoh.

    2. I like Quiet Time because I get to have time to myself at school, sometimes I never get time to myself and relax at school. Time to yourself is good because you can reflect on your goals and achievements.

    3. I feel relaxed, excited, and happy because I have fun drawing, playing with toys and just relaxing not having to do work.

    4. I notice a lot of people actually sleep! It’s kinda funny to be honest because they’re tired of just doing school work!

    5. It means to relax and relieve stress. It also means you have your bubble to yourself and no one pokes it.

    6. Lots of people kinda break the rules, not staying in their bubbles and distracting others. For me, it’s okay, unless it goes too far.

    7. No questions for me

  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    I don’t really do anything specific, I just mostly just play with the whiteboards or anything available that I personally find interesting that doesn’t disturb anyone else.

    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    I like quiet time because it’s once a day where we can be in our own space. For example, if you had a stressful moment during school because you had a test, well, quiet time can relieve that stress and put you back up on your feet.

    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    During quiet time I feel relaxed and isolated but in a good way. It makes me think about what has happened in the day and what will happen. Overall, I honestly love that quiet time is a concept in schools.

    4. What do you notice about it?
    I notice that some people don’t enjoy quiet time. During a quiet time in my school, a few kids don’t really being in their own bubble. They tend to try to get others attention and fool around with their friends instead of being by themselves. But, another thing that I noticed is after quiet time a lot of kids are calmer and less stress in the day.

    5. What does it mean to you?
    For me, it means that I can have my own place and time during 6 hours of school that I go through. It also means that I have me time, which is very good for anyone especially me.

    6. What surprised you?
    Nothing really surprised me, other than when a person makes a sudden outburst of noise during a long silence.

    7. Do you have any questions?
    The only thing I question is why do people don’t like quiet time. I honestly don’t understand what’s so bad about having your own time and space for only 15 minutes that can you help be less stressful throughout the day.

  • 1) If I feel tired I lay my head down, or I just do nothing
    2) I don’t like how you don’t interact with people I want to play a card game with someone
    3) i don’t feel anything just tired most of the time
    4) I notice that some people talk but I don’t care. but sometimes miss smith doesn’t notice
    5) nothing for me
    6) Nothing surprises me, only the first time people talked but now its not a big deal
    7) I don’t have any questions

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