Quiet Time



1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

draw and read

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

I like that no one can bother you

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?


4.  What do you notice about it?

that it calms your mind so you can do better in class

5. What does it mean to you?

it means that I can do mostly what ever I want as long as it is Quiet and not bothering other peoples space

6. What surprised you?

nothing I just felt calm

7.  Do you have any questions?



  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    What I stuff I chose during Quiet Time is…
    -Doing homework that is do the next day
    -Staring off into space
    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    What I liked about Quiet Time is, it’s a time to relax,no one can bug you, no one will talk to you, know one will be there to poke you.
    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?

    I feel calm and free to do anything I want (without going into anyone else’s bubble).

    4. What do you notice about it?
    It makes us feel calmer during the day and gives us time to relax and figure out some of our life problems. Also can make us think of great ideas because we could be bored and think random thoughts.

    5. What does it mean to you?

    A time to relax and do what I want to do there is no one bossing me around telling me what to do, there is NO homework that is needed to be done at that exact time. It is a time to enjoy, and a time to relax.

    6. What surprised you?

    That there are so many countries/schools that do quiet time when at first I thought it was only my class!

    7. Do you have any questions?
    -How did this start?
    -Was this first for some medical issue?

    Here’s a joke: Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

    • oops when I pressed space it posted my comment

      • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
        What I stuff I chose during Quiet Time is…
        Doing homework that is do the next day
        Staring off into space
        2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
        What I liked about Quiet Time is, it’s a time to relax,no one can bug you, no one will talk to you, know one will be there to poke you.
        3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?

        I feel calm and free to do anything I want (without going into anyone else’s bubble).

        4. What do you notice about it?
        It makes us feel calmer during the day and gives us time to relax and figure out some of our life problems. Also can make us think of great ideas because we could be bored and think random thoughts.

        5. What does it mean to you?

        A time to relax and do what I want to do there is no one bossing me around telling me what to do, there is NO homework that is needed to be done at that exact time. It is a time to enjoy, and a time to relax.

        6. What surprised you?

        That there are so many countries/schools that do quiet time when at first I thought it was only my class!

        7. Do you have any questions?
        -How did this start?
        Was this first for some medical issue?

        Here’s a joke: Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

  • here is the comment the others are not

    • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
      What I stuff I chose during Quiet Time is…
      – Reading
      – Drawing
      – Doing homework that is do the next day
      – Sleeping
      – Staring off into space

      2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
      What I liked about Quiet Time is, it’s a time to relax,no one can bug you, no one will talk to you, know one will be there to poke you.

      3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?

      I feel calm and free to do anything I want (without going into anyone else’s bubble).

      4. What do you notice about it?
      It makes us feel calmer during the day and gives us time to relax and figure out some of our life problems. Also can make us think of great ideas because we could be bored and think random thoughts.

      5. What does it mean to you?

      A time to relax and do what I want to do there is no one bossing me around telling me what to do, there is NO homework that is needed to be done at that exact time. It is a time to enjoy, and a time to relax.

      6. What surprised you?

      That there are so many countries/schools that do quiet time when at first I thought it was only my class!

      7. Do you have any questions?
      – How did this start?
      – Was this first for some medical issue?

      Here’s a joke: Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

  • 1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?
    I don’t really do anything specific, I just mostly just play with the whiteboards or anything available that I personally find interesting that doesn’t disturb anyone else.

    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    I like quiet time because it’s once a day where we can be in our own space. For example, if you had a stressful during school because you had a test, well, quiet time can relive that stress and put you back up on your feet.

    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    During quiet time I feel relaxed and isolated but in a good way. It makes me think about what has happened in the day and what will happen. Overall, I honestly love that quiet time is a concept in schools.

    4. What do you notice about it?
    I notice that some people don’t enjoy quiet time. During a quiet time in my school, a few kids don’t really being in their own bubble. They tend to try to get others attention and fool around with their friends instead of being by themselves. But, another thing that I noticed is after quiet time a lot of kids are calmer and less stress in the day.

    5. What does it mean to you?
    For me, it means that I can have my own place and time during 6 hours of school that I go through. It also means that I have me time, which is very good for anyone especially me.

    6. What surprised you?
    Nothing really surprised me, other than when a person makes a sudden outburst of noise during a long silence.

    7. Do you have any questions?
    The only thing I question is why do people don’t like quiet time. I honestly don’t understand what’s so bad about having your own time and space for only 15 minutes that can you help be less stressful throughout the day.

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