Note: in order to download Word documents, unless you know of a hack, you’ll need to use a browser other than Chrome.


The assignment outline for sharing your learning about social politics and group dynamics can be found here: Survivor final learning 2024

The assignment outline for making your final pick can be found here: Survivor Final Pick Justification 2024

The assignment outline for making your second pick can be found here: Survivor Second Pick Justification 2024

The assignment outline for making your first pick can be found here: Survivor First Pick Justification 2024

Recaps and extra footage can (eventually) be found here.

In-depth interviews with contestants can be found here–don’t check on a Wednesday night or Thursday morning (the page may reveal spoilers).

You can watch Survivor over the break by clicking here.  Don’t forget to use your graphic organizer and to spend a few minutes after each episode to add to your Group Dynamics t-chart in your comp book.

Links to the player bios to explore as you make your first round pick can be found here.

Video interviews with the players can be found a scroll or two down this page here.

Class Agreement Exploration

If you prefer to type your responses, please use this form (you’ll need to open it in a browser other than Chrome): Class Agreement 3 questions graphic organizer 2023

Campaign for Mini-Brain 2023

The Mini-Brain project outline is here: Mini-Brain job description 2023

The checklist for the Mini-brain project is here: Mini-Brain Campaign Checklist 2023

The criteria for your campaign speech is here: Mini-Brain campaign persuasive essay outline 2021

The marking sheet for the Mini-Brain poster is here: Mini-Brain poster marking sheet 2023

The marking sheet for the Mini-Brain interview (including the interview questions) is here: Mini-Brain interview marking sheet 2023

The marking sheet for the Mini-Brain creative choice aspect is here: Mini-Brain creative choice marking sheet 2023

The “What Do You Want Me to Notice?” self-assessment document is here (open in a browser other than Chrome): Mini-Brain submissions – what do you want me to notice

The graphic organizer to use for defining and exploring your leadership qualities is here (open in a browser other than Chrome): Mini-Brain leadership qualities graphic organizer

The link for the youth TED Talks is here: 

President Obama’s famous 2004 speech is here:

If you’d like to continue watching President Clinton’s 2016 speech, it’s here (we stopped at the 13:57 mark):


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The graphic organizer used for planning the tracking of your goal can be found here: SMART goal graphic organizer 2023

The weekly reflection handout can be found here: SMART goal weekly reflection 2023

The Golden Compass Mural Challenge

The reflection for the mural project can be found here (use a browser other than Chrome to download): The Golden Compass Mural reflection

Class Agreement Exploration

The graphic organizer for this work can be found here (you’ll need to use a browser that is not Chrome to open this Word doc): Class Agreement 3 questions graphic organizer 2022

Group Work and Communication

The group work self-assessment sheet can be found here: Group Work Assessment Form