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Hello Families of Division 10,

Here are some updates for March:

Report Cards Go Home March 5

On Friday students will be bringing home their report cards for Term 2. Please make sure to empty the envelope and keep the documents inside at home, sign the envelope and return the empty envelope to the school as soon as possible, so that I may reuse it for Term 3. 

Students will also be bringing home a large red folder with their school work inside (things they have been working on since the beginning of the school year). Please have a look through these with your child to talk about their learning. The red folders are for families to keep. 

Literacy Week About Kindness & Gratitude at Suncrest March 8-12!

Please join us as we celebrate Literacy Week at Suncrest! Through reading, writing, and discussion activities, we will explore this year’s theme of Kindness and Gratitude. We hope you will dress up for the following special days related to the theme, as prizes will be given out to anyone who participates! Your child’s teacher will tell you more about each day’s activities in class. We look forward to this special week at Suncrest!

Monday March 8th – Rainbow Inclusion Day

Please dress in as many different colours as you can, as we celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community and the world.

Tuesday March 9th – Be Kind to the Earth Day
Please dress in a combination of blue and green, or wear anything with leaves or the planet Earth on it, as we discuss how to grateful for our beautiful Earth and how to be kind by caring for the environment.

Wednesday March 10th – Be Kind to Yourselves Day

Please dress in your favourite, most comfortable outfit, and bring your favourite snack to school! Today we will discuss all the ways to be kind to yourself so you can stay physically and mentally healthy.

Thursday March 11th – Helping Others with Kindness and Laughter Day
Today we will discuss how we can be kind to others in our community, such as lifting one another up with positive messages, compliments, and laughter. Please wear clothing that has messages of happiness, cheer, and/or joy, or you can wear funny hats and clothing accessories that make people laugh. We want silly outfits!

Friday March 12th – Celebrate Reading in PJs Day

For our final day, wear your PJs to school to celebrate reading! We will be having extra, surprise announcements of extra reading time throughout the school day before we go to Spring Break!

Spring Break March 15 - 26

Have a wonderful and relaxing break!