See You at Kitchener next Tuesday, December 3!

Dear CoroVoce Members!

We’ll see you next Tuesday, December 3 at Kitchener Elementary at 4:00!

Happy shopping for your white collared tops, black tights,skirts,pants, and black dress shoes this weekend!

Our final rehearsal before the concert is next Thursday, December 5.  We will refine and polish our songs then!  Please ensure all your parts are memorized.

We look forward to a wonderful concert!  More information will be forthcoming about December 9, on the next blog posting.

Cheers to all!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)

“Christmas is Coming”! November 25 Newsletter

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Below is a copy of the blue handout that was available at Thursday’s rehearsal.  If you forgot to pick one up, here it is below!  We are in the home stretch for polishing our repertoire.  I hope you are spending some time at home memorizing the parts and singing from your heart.  

Please make every effort to come to the rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3.  (4:00 to 5:15)

We have received many emails requesting tickets from teachers and principals at your home schools!  What a joy it will be to sing for them!

Tickets will be available again this week during rehearsal.

We had very few students come to me with the secret phrase last week.  Parents, please pass along the phrase for this week to your child.  It’s “Santa is Watching!”  Hee hee!

I hope everyone is gathering their white collared tops and black pants/skirts/tights and black dress shoes for our amazing concert!

See you on Thursday!

The Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)


corovoce letter november 2019

Tickets Available Now for “Christmas is Coming” on December 9

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Thank you for all your hard work in memorizing our pieces!  We will continue to work on memorization next week in our rehearsal.  The following songs need to be memorized by next week:

Clap Your Hands, Rudolph’s Ragtime, Angels Carol (needs more work), German Carols, Christmas is Coming (new), and Count Your Blessings.

Tickets for our December 9 Show, “Christmas is Coming” are ready for purchase.  Please send an unsealed envelope with your child’s name on the front, and the money inside.  We will return it sealed, with your tickets!  Don’t forget to invite the special “school” people in your lives! ( classroom and music teachers, head teachers, principals….they receive complimentary tickets)  More invitations will be ready for them next week.

Proper attire for December 9

We will be giving out a hard copy memo regarding expectations of what to wear at our Christmas Concert.  Here is a brief summary:

  1.  White collared shirts, and black pants, tights, or skirts are required.
  2. Black boots, or dress shoes
  3. Hair neatly styled and away from the face.
  4. Make-up is optional.

We need to look as polished as our pieces!  

Pizza party at our final December rehearsal on the 19th!  We will rehearse and stay for some pizza and drinks!

Oh, and by the way, for a treat, the secret phrase so I know you are reading this blog is………Corovoce Rocks!  Please repeat this to me next Thursday!!!

See you next Thursday!  Keep working on our repertoire!  You are great!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)

We Remember….

Dear CoroVoce Members:

We had another amazing rehearsal yesterday and our repertoire is really coming together!  Please memorize Rudolph’s Ragtime Razza-ma-tazz, Count Your Blessings, Angel’s Carol, and Clap Your Hands for our next rehearsal.

Ms. Fletcher has put all the recordings for our songs on the blog page under Rehearsals.  Please go there to help you with your lyrics and melodies.

Tickets will go on sale next week for our concert on Monday, December 9 entitled “Christmas is Coming”

It will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Michael J Fox Theatre at Burnaby South Secondary School.  More information about the schedule for this important date will be coming soon.

Tickets are $5 per person.  Please send an UNSEALED envelope with your child’s name on the front and the money within starting next week, and we will return the envelope sealed, with your tickets inside.  

Remember, our extra rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

In song,

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)


CoroVoce News of the Week – Extra Rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3

Hello CoroVoce:

Now that Halloween is behind us, we look towards Remembrance Day, and then Christmas.  Please reserve Tuesday, December 3 as an extra rehearsal date.  We will be working on our opening and closing numbers for the Christmas Concert with Picollini and Soundwave.  The place is Kitchener School in the gym at 4:00 p.m.  We will then rehearse our own numbers in the music room and dismiss at 5:15 p.m.  We realize it is not our usual date or site, and students may have other after school activities planned, but please try and make arrangements to be there.

See you on Thursday CoroVoce!  Start memorizing those words in your head and your heart.

“The Maple Key” A Song Written for CoroVoce!

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Yesterday a yellow notice was sent home explaining about the wonderful opportunity we have in the Spring to work with Coastal Sound Choir on a song commissioned especially for our two choirs!  It contains many important dates that you need to save NOW so please take a close look at them.  Here is the letter:

corovoce newsletter october 17 2019

The entire team continues to be amazed and impressed with the high level of singing and dedication this year!  We have learned so much and there is so much more to do, but we are confident that with continued practice, the results will be brilliant!

More auditions for verses in Jamaican Noel will happen next week as well as moving forward on all our songs so be sure to look them ALL over this week!

If you do, perhaps the Great Pumpkin will pay you a visit!

In song,

The CoroVoce Team

Happy Thanksgiving CoroVoce!

Dear CoroVoce Students:

We continue to be thankful for all your beautiful singing each week!  Sectionals were amazing yesterday and really solidified some parts.  Please spend some time reviewing our work of yesterday.

Next week a VERY IMPORTANT handout will be going home.  I will also be posting it on the blog here, but please read it carefully!  More exciting information will be forthcoming, so stay tuned!

Remember to mark Tuesday, DECEMBER 3 on your calendars as a joint rehearsal at Kitchener from 4:00 to 5:15.  We will be working with Piccollini and SoundWave Handbell Choir on the opening and closing numbers.  We will then have a quick rehearsal in their music room until 5:15.  Please be there if at all possible.

I’ve added some new subscribers to our blog.  If you wish to receive notifications, please send me an email and you will be added.

Auditons for solos on Jamaican Noel will begin next week!  Have a look at some of the YouTube postings for reference!

Happy Turkey Day!!

CoroVoce News and a Date Correction!

Dear Corovoce Members:

The rehearsals just keep getting better and better! Thank you for all your hard work thus far. Please work on the following songs that we reviewed yesterday:

  • your part on Jamaican Noel
  • the German words for Kling Glockchen
  • Angel’s Carol, the harmony on Gloria
  • Clap Your Hands lyrics

Next week we will begin doing some sectionals to tighten up our harmonies.  We will also be introducing Rudolphs Ragtime Razza Ma Tazz, a very spirited new song as well as Christmas is Coming.

Please note the error regarding the date of the rehearsal at Kitchener.  It’s December 3!! (Tuesday) 

Next week I will be sending home a notice asking if you’re receiving a notification regarding the blog postings.  If you’re not receiving an email telling you there’s a new blog post, please send me an email and I’ll add you to the subscriber’s list.

Please email me at:

Enjoy the weekend!

The Corovoce Team

Corovoce News September 30

Hello CoroVoce:

I’m sure there were a great many orange shirts worn today at school for Orange Shirt Day.    We had another amazing practice last Thursday and the entire team was excited to see the progress made on your beautiful singing as well as your musicianship!  Next week we will begin to hand out folders and music.  This music costs a great deal of money and we sincerely hope you take care of each piece.  Please feel free to add “pencil” markings if the directors ask you to focus on a certain note, or word, but otherwise, keep your music in good condition.  Folders are free to borrow for the year and must be returned at the end of April.  Or, you may purchase one to keep forever!  Please bring $35 cash or a cheque made out to The Burnaby School Board.  No online payment is possible for these, sorry!

We will be putting you into the subscribers list soon so if you don’t receive a push notification, we hope you will soon!

Please also put Tuesday, November 3 on your calendar.  This will be a joint rehearsal held with Picollini at Kitchener Elementary from 4:00 to 5:15.

Below is a link to Ms. Fletcher’s blog which we hope you will be able to access to hear some of our songs.  

And stay tuned….news about the secret word is coming soon as well as the pizza party!!!

In song,

The CoroVoce Team