“Christmas is Coming”! November 25 Newsletter

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Below is a copy of the blue handout that was available at Thursday’s rehearsal.  If you forgot to pick one up, here it is below!  We are in the home stretch for polishing our repertoire.  I hope you are spending some time at home memorizing the parts and singing from your heart.  

Please make every effort to come to the rehearsal at Kitchener on Tuesday, December 3.  (4:00 to 5:15)

We have received many emails requesting tickets from teachers and principals at your home schools!  What a joy it will be to sing for them!

Tickets will be available again this week during rehearsal.

We had very few students come to me with the secret phrase last week.  Parents, please pass along the phrase for this week to your child.  It’s “Santa is Watching!”  Hee hee!

I hope everyone is gathering their white collared tops and black pants/skirts/tights and black dress shoes for our amazing concert!

See you on Thursday!

The Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher)


corovoce letter november 2019

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