Corovoce News September 30

Hello CoroVoce:

I’m sure there were a great many orange shirts worn today at school for Orange Shirt Day.    We had another amazing practice last Thursday and the entire team was excited to see the progress made on your beautiful singing as well as your musicianship!  Next week we will begin to hand out folders and music.  This music costs a great deal of money and we sincerely hope you take care of each piece.  Please feel free to add “pencil” markings if the directors ask you to focus on a certain note, or word, but otherwise, keep your music in good condition.  Folders are free to borrow for the year and must be returned at the end of April.  Or, you may purchase one to keep forever!  Please bring $35 cash or a cheque made out to The Burnaby School Board.  No online payment is possible for these, sorry!

We will be putting you into the subscribers list soon so if you don’t receive a push notification, we hope you will soon!

Please also put Tuesday, November 3 on your calendar.  This will be a joint rehearsal held with Picollini at Kitchener Elementary from 4:00 to 5:15.

Below is a link to Ms. Fletcher’s blog which we hope you will be able to access to hear some of our songs.  

And stay tuned….news about the secret word is coming soon as well as the pizza party!!!

In song,

The CoroVoce Team

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