Corovoce News! September 23!

Hello Corovoce singers!

We had a marvelous first practice!  We got to know each other a bit, and even got to sing a bit!  The Team is so excited to see where we will go this year!  At our next rehearsal we will work on the two songs we presented on Thursday, (Clap Your Hands, Rejoice, and Count Your Blessings) and present two new songs as well!  Here are a few reminders:

  1.  Please bring a cheque made out to the Burnaby School Board, or cash, or pay online as soon as you are able.
  2. Bring your registration form with you as well if you have not already done so.
  3. Drop off your child by the outside door of Room 201.
  4. We end promptly at 5:15, please be there to pick up your child.
  5. Soon we will be posting the songs on the blog for your to rehearse with at home!  Stay tuned!
  6. We are working in the next few weeks to update the subscribers list.  Please feel free to unsubscribe if you are receiving this and are no longer in choir.

We hope you’ve saved the date of Monday, December 9 for our Christmas Concert at Michael J Fox!

See you all on Thursday!

In song,

The Corovoce Team (Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, and Marcus)

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