T-Shirt Pick Up Dates Next Week – May 13 and 15!

Greetings CoroVoce Members!

It was super fun to Zoom with you on Wednesday!  There were 24 of us who gathered and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone.  We shall schedule another one in the next month so we hope you’ll join us again while you wear your t-shirts!  Thank you to Ms. Ishii for hosting our meeting!

And speaking of t-shirts, here is your opportunity to pick up your shirt next week on either Wednesday, May 13, or Friday, May 15, at South Slope Elementary.

Here are the important details you need to remember:

  1.  T-shirts will be available through the OUTSIDE door of the music room on Wednesday, May 13 from 10:30 – 12:00, and on Friday, May 15 from 11:00 – 12:00.
  2. Please email me the date you will be coming so I can pull your t-shirts out of the box.(teresa.jukich@burnabyschools.ca)
  3. Line up beside the cones for social distancing if there is a line up.
  4. Take a picture of you in your t shirt and send it to Ms. Fletcher at:


(Thank you Ms. Fletcher!)

5.  Please pass this along to anyone who you think may not be accessing the blog!

I am really looking forward to seeing you all from a safe distance next week!

In song,

Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

Come and Zoom with your CoroVoce Team on Wednesday, May 6!

Dear CoroVoce Members!

You are invited to a Zoom Meeting this Wednesday, May 6 at 1:00.  We’d love to see you all and have a quick visit.  Please be prepared to tell us how music is helping you get through this interesting period of time!  We miss you all and hope you can join us this Wednesday!

Send us an email if you’re coming and we’ll email you the details of how to get in!

Other News:

We will be posting a day the week of May 11 for you to drop by and pick up your t-shirts from South Slope.  Details next week!

See you Wednesday!

The Corovoce Team – Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii

Hello Dear Corovoce Members! Update on Important Items – Monday, April 27, 2020


Your t-shirts are here!

Hello Corovoce Members:

We hope you continue to stay safe during our time away from each other!  We miss you all terribly and cannot wait to see you again.  There are still many unknowns in our musical world, but we hope you still use music as a way to engage your brains, and provide you with comfort and joy!  We would love you to send us a note, a video, or picture, or anything where you are making music!

Here are a few bits of information that we know you are wondering about.

  1.  Your T-shirts are here (as you can see) and we need to find a way for you to get them.  Could you please send us the name of the school you attend, we may send them to you that way.  Or depending on when schools resume, we “may” have some kind of wrap up to our year.  Again, stay tuned, but please email your school to us.  (except South Slope, Confederation Park, Suncrest students of course, we know where you go!)
  2. When choir resumes, and if it doesn’t resume until September, please remember that you DO NOT need to audition as you’re already in!  If you are a Grade 7 going into High School, please consider staying in our choir.  It’s a nice bridge of stability between the “newness” of Secondary School, and the familiarity and safety of our beautiful ensemble.  Corovoce is intended to serve students from Grades 5 to 12.  If we have more senior students we are able to attempt more sophisticated repertoire.
  3. Please also ask around to see if any of your friends would be interested in joining Corovoce next year!  We’re not sure how or when auditions will happen so your input would be wonderful!
  4. The Team was thinking of changing the date of rehearsals to a Monday next year.  We would like to hear your thoughts on this change.

Again, we hope you and your family are well, working hard at your remote learning, and looking forward to making music when we can be together again!

In song,

The Corovoce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii)

Update for CoroVoce Members – March 28, 2020

Dear CoroVoce Choir:

The world has certainly become a different place since the last time we were together.  In retrospect, we should be grateful we managed to present our world premiere of The Maple Key when we did! We just wanted to let you know that we will keep in touch regarding CoroVoce events that are upcoming, but at the moment, we are thinking that they will be cancelled or postponed for the time being.  
When we do get together again, we have t-shirts to hand out to everyone!

Until then, stay safe, keep singing, and remember..

”Music Changes the World”

We’ve seen this now more than ever during these interesting days.

In Song,

The Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii)

See you Thursday, March 12!

Thank you Ms. Nordstrand for coming to our concert and taking our picture right before our world premiere of “The Maple Key”  

We’ll see you all this Thursday, March 12 as we preview some new repertoire.

We will also be looking at rehearsing our final number with all our District Groups before the big concert.  It will be on a Tuesday in April.  I will confirm the exact date after our meeting on April 1.  

Our lovely majestic purple t-shirts will be ready for the April 24 Tour Date and the April 29 concert.  Just to be clear, these shirts are part of your registration fee money.  In other words, you’ve paid!

See you Thursday with the secret phrase, “CoroVoce and Coastal Sound were amazing on Saturday!”

The Team (Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro)

A Beautiful, Wonderful Memory from Saturday, March 7!!

Dear CoroVoce Members:

Our hearts are full after our concert on Saturday.  Thank you for putting so much work into learning our repertoire. The power of music continues to amaze us!  You uplifted the audience and shone ever so brightly!  And thank you to the parents who have been so supportive of our adventures this year!  We are grateful.

It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of this season of singing!  Here are some reminders of dates coming up.  The big news to remember is that our final concert is Wednesday, April 29.  And that, unfortunately, is also the end of our year.  🙁

So, here are the important dates to know until then!

Thursday, March 12 – Rehearsal from 3:30 – 5:15

Thursday, April 2 – Rehearsal from 3:30 – 5:15

Thursday, April 9 – Rehearsal from 3:30 – 5:15

Thursday, April 16 – Rehearsal from 3;30 – 5:15

Thursday, April 23 – FINAL REHEARSAL – MUSIC IS HANDED IN!   3:30 – 5:15

FRIDAY, APRIL 24 – School Tour Day at Glenwood, Lakeview, Confederation Park and Suncrest

A consent form will be going home after Spring Break for this day.  Stay Tuned!

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 – “Music Changes the World” a District Ensemble Concert at Michael J Fox. 

Again, more information will be forthcoming after Spring Break.

We will be presenting new songs to add to our repertoire this week, and polishing some of our other songs so they shine even brighter!

See you all on Thursday!

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro)

Extended Rehearsal next Thursday, March 4 – 3:30 – 6:00p.m.

Dear Coro Voce Choir:

We have polished and perfected many of our songs.  But just to be sure……we’d like to schedule our rehearsal next Thursday, March 4 to end at 6:00 p.m.  And yes, we will have a break in there!

We hope you take the time to commit all of your songs to memory this week so we all sing from the heart!

If you cannot stay, we do understand, but otherwise…we will see you Thursday from 3:30 to 6:00!

There was a wonderful article written about our world premiere song, The Maple Key, in the Burnaby Now this week!  Take a look!

In song,

The Coro Voce Team (Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro)

The Excitement is building for March 7!

Dear Coro Voce Members:

We have worked so hard these past few weeks, we promise you a break during rehearsal next week!  Please commit your songs to memory now.  We will run ALL our songs this week to see what needs some polishing for the following week and…..then we are in concert!

Again, please remember to be at the New West Christian Reformed Church by 12:30 on Saturday, March 7.   Bring a water bottle and a snack (healthy of course), and wear your white, collared shirts and black pants/tights/skirts.  The concert begins at 3:00 p.m.

Tickets are selling quickly!  Please send your money in soon!

Congratulations to Lily from Taylor Park, whose design will be on our T-shirt for the April 29 District Concert!  Colour tba…..

Code phrase for this week is, “Mrs, Fierro, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii and Ms. Little are all very proud of your hard work!”

In song,

The Coro Voce team named above.

Tickets and T-shirt Designs – February 18, 2020

Dear CoroVoce Choir:

We hope you had a happy Heart’s Day on Friday, and a fun Family Day on Monday!  We only have 3 rehearsals before our “Roots Before Branches” Concert on Saturday, March 7.  Details are still being worked out, but the plan is to be there by 12:30 to rehearse with Coastal Sound and organize our places on the risers etc…  The concert will begin at 3:00.  We will wear our white, collared tops and black pants, skirts, dress shoes for this concert.  Here are some other important bits of information until we meet again on Thursday, February 20.

  1.  Tickets are still on sale for the show.  Please send an unsealed envelope with your child’s name on the front.  The cost is $10.
  2. T-shirt designs are due this Thursday, February 20.  We will choose from the designs presented either this week, or next week.  These shirts will be worn during our Tour Date on Friday, April 24, as well as at our District Concert on April 29.
  3. Our tour Date is Friday, April 24.  We have the schools mostly sorted out.  We will meet at South Slope at 8:00 a.m. and board the bus from there.  Consent forms will be given out after Spring Break.

Keep memorizing and polishing your parts!

In song,

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii)