Tickets and T-shirt Designs – February 18, 2020

Dear CoroVoce Choir:

We hope you had a happy Heart’s Day on Friday, and a fun Family Day on Monday!  We only have 3 rehearsals before our “Roots Before Branches” Concert on Saturday, March 7.  Details are still being worked out, but the plan is to be there by 12:30 to rehearse with Coastal Sound and organize our places on the risers etc…  The concert will begin at 3:00.  We will wear our white, collared tops and black pants, skirts, dress shoes for this concert.  Here are some other important bits of information until we meet again on Thursday, February 20.

  1.  Tickets are still on sale for the show.  Please send an unsealed envelope with your child’s name on the front.  The cost is $10.
  2. T-shirt designs are due this Thursday, February 20.  We will choose from the designs presented either this week, or next week.  These shirts will be worn during our Tour Date on Friday, April 24, as well as at our District Concert on April 29.
  3. Our tour Date is Friday, April 24.  We have the schools mostly sorted out.  We will meet at South Slope at 8:00 a.m. and board the bus from there.  Consent forms will be given out after Spring Break.

Keep memorizing and polishing your parts!

In song,

The CoroVoce Team (Ms. Little, Mrs. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Ishii)

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