Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back! The Return of Corovoce!

September 12, 2022

Greetings to our former Corovoce members!  Here are the latest updates from the team!


Auditions for new members will be Monday, September 19 from 3:30 to 5:00 in the music room (201) at South Slope.  IF YOU ARE ALREADY A MEMBER OF OUR CHOIR YOU DO NOT NEED TO AUDITION!  If you know of any students in your school that would like to join us, please talk to your music teacher and ask them to recommend them.  They will need to obtain a form from their music teacher.


Rehearsals will begin on Monday, September 26 in the GYM at South Slope from 3:30 to 4:45.  We will keep doors open in the gym for better ventilation,  encourage you to wear masks, wash your hands, stay home if you’re ill, and be respectful of other’s space.

Save the Date

Our Christmas Concert with Soundwave Handbell Choir, and Picollini the Children’s Choir will be Monday, December 12 at Michael J Fox Theatre at Burnaby South.

We are looking forward to auditioning new members on September 19 and looking forward to seeing our former members, as well as our new members on Monday, September 26!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro





We Rise Again! The Return of Corovoce September 2022!

NoneJune 24, 2022.

It hardly seems possible that two years have passed since we made beautiful music together!  Everyone on the Corovoce Team has missed  all of you wonderful students.  And…the time has come to look towards September and new beginnings.  This all starts with you, our former members.  If you are interested in coming back to Corovoce in September here is some information you need to know.

  1.  Rehearsals will be held in the gym at South Slope for better ventilation and spacing.
  2. Rehearsals will be on MONDAYS this year.
  3. Rehearsals will be shorter with no formal break from 3:30 to 4:45.

We would love to see you all after two long years!  We have missed you so!  Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little and I are still teaching.  Ms. Fletcher is retiring in June and we hope will be a guest conductor from time to time!

If you would like to rejoin us in September, please send me an email at:


Please reply by Wednesday, June 29 as we will be holding auditions to fill in the numbers and we need to hold your spot.

If you are attending secondary school, we hope your schedule will allow you to join us again.  Remember, Corovoce is the Youth Choir and we accept students up to Grade 12!

We are so looking forward to hearing from you!  More information will be forthcoming in future posts.

Until then, have a wonderful, restful, musical summer of fun!


Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro


Thinking of you all this Remembrance Day Week


 November 9, 2020.

Dear Corovoce Choir:

It’s difficult to believe that we have been back in school for two and a half months.  The Team is missing you terribly and hope that you and your families and loved ones are safe.  We were talking just the other day about how we would be in the throes of our rehearsals for the Christmas Concert at MJF right now.  The anticipation of a concert, the excitement of performance, and the preparation that goes into it are missing for us at the moment.  We were hoping to have good news about possibly restarting in January, but with cases rising, we are not sure this can happen.  Please know that we will resume choir rehearsals as soon as it is safe for all of us.  Until then, please fill your happiness buckets up with song when and where you can!

In song,

The Corovoce Team – Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little


Happy Summer Corovoce! June 26, 2020

Dear Corovoce Members:

I looked through Pixabay to try and find a really great picture for our final post for a while.  I always go back to the sea for my inspiration.  It never fails to inspire creativity within me, it calms me, and it gives me perspective.

While this year did not exactly end the way any of us would have imagined, I have looked for the silver lining in this whole situation and have come out with a few.  I hope you agree with some, and can add some of your own as well.

  1.  I was so lucky to be able to re-connect with three of my favourite music specialists in the whole wide world!  Ms. Fletcher, I am so lucky you came onboard to conduct with me.  I have admired you and your musicality for years and remember watching you conduct this choir a few years ago and thinking, “gosh it would be wonderful to work with Ms. Fletcher and learn from her!.”  Voila!  Silver lining!  We got to conduct together and I am so grateful for your friendship, your gracious sharing of your time and talents, and your unwavering support of music in Burnaby. (never mind your amazing tech skills…..)
  2. I have always admired Ms. Ishii from afar!  She was a wonderful “Orffan”  (Orff Teacher as well as Music Specialist)  Her keyboard skills are outstanding and I know The Maple Keys really required so much time to practice!  Ms. Ishii had to travel a great distance to get to South Slope and she is also a Head Teacher which means she is extra busy with many school activities that make leaving the building difficult.  But, rain or sun or snow, Ms. Ishii was here for us and supported our singing with her excellent playing.  Voila!  Another silver lining.  I have so appreciated our conversations, our planning, and again, your friendship.
  3. Ms. Little and I worked together with the Children’s Choir a few years ago.  She had just come into the District and I didn’t know a lot about her, but we were teaching music at Taylor Park and we needed a manager for the choir.  Not only did I discover her amazing organizational skills, but I learned she herself was a singer in Elektra, the absolutely brilliant woman’s choir in Vancouver.  And I also discovered she was a superb sight-reading pianist!  Voila!  More silver lining.  Ms. Little, I am so happy we were able to work together again.  I appreciate your friendship and support and I look forward to doing it again next year in some way…..
  4. I loved our Christmas Concert.  Soundwave and Piccolini and us together made magic!  The pictures scroll up on my google device in the bedroom and every time I see your faces, it brings me joy.  Voila!  A silver lining again!
  5. Our work with Laura Hawley was so inspiring for me.  We worked soooo hard to be ready.  Our rehearsals with Coastal Sound were actually professional development opportunities for me to improve my practice as a conductor.  The performance on March 7 will always be a triumphant masterpiece that will resonate with me until we are able to make music together again.  I will hold onto this memory for as long as it takes!  I have stamina!  Voila!
  6. I have learned so much about my ability to embrace technology.  I am proud that with much support from my friends above, I can Zoom, make virtual music classrooms, and generally find my way around a blog better.  Voila!  I learned new skills.  (sort of!)

I am waiting to see how things go this summer to see what can happen in September.  We all miss singing, and I hope we will be able to resume joining together in song, safely, soon!

“The oldest, truest, most beautiful organ of music, the origin to which alone our music owes its being is the human voice” – Richard Wagner

Hang on until we can celebrate together!

Mrs. Fierro

Thank You!

Congratulations CoroVoce 2020! You are a very special group of musicians, and we are so proud of everything you have accomplished this year. We appreciate your commitment and hard work. Thank you Lily for your awesome t-shirt design. We look fantastic!

*Reminder to please return your music and folders: June 18 at South Slope from 3:30-4:30!

~Team CoroVoce

T-Shirt Picture and Music Drop Off

Dear Corovoce Members:

Last chance to send your t-shirt picture to Ms. Fletcher!  Deadline is Thursday, June 11.  Ms. Fletcher and I will post it on Friday, June 12!

Music folders and music can be dropped on the following Thursday, June 18 at South Slope from 3:30 – 4:30.  Please take your music out of the elastic bands within the folder and leave it in the bin outside the music room.  If I’m there, please come and say hi!  If you are unable to come that day, please email me and let me know when you can come, or…ask your music teacher to send it to me at South Slope via the school mail.

We will be asking for some feedback regarding next year soon so stay tuned!

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley

In song,

The Corovoce Team who is desperately missing their students (Ms. Fletcher, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii)

Send Us a Picture of You in Your T-Shirt! May 26, 2020

Dear Corovoce Students:

It was wonderful to socially distance with you these past few weeks as you safely picked up your t shirts.  Please take a picture of you in your shirt and send it to Ms. Fletcher as soon as possible!Here is her address:


Until we can see you again, stay safe.

“Music is life.  That’s why our hearts have beats.” – Cecily Morgan

Last Chance to Pick Up Your T-shirt! Friday, May 22 from 11:00 – 12:00 noon.

Dear Corovoce Students:

It has been so wonderful to see you as you’ve safely come to pick up your t-shirts!  I’ve heard from a few more students who would like to come and get their shirts so I’ll be there at South Slope from 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. next Friday, May 22 if you’d like to drop by.

Please let me know you’re coming and I will have your shirt ready!  Otherwise, I will mail them to your home school, or you can wait until next September, or we will find a way for you to receive your shirt!

Afterwards, please take a picture of you wearing your shirt and send it to Ms. Fletcher at:


“Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words.  It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” (Keith Richards)

Until we are together again, stay safe.

The Corovoce Team – Ms. Little, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Fletcher