Lunar New Year Wishes from Corovoce! January 16 – 19

January 16, 2023.

Hello Everyone!

We had an amazing first rehearsal of the year on Monday.  I am enjoying reading your reflection sheets!  Some of your responses are very thoughtful.

We previewed 4 songs: Singin in the Rain, I Dreamed of Rain, Music Changes the World, and Klee Wyck.  Please listen to these on the previous blog post so you can be prepared to work on them in two weeks.

This week we will be previewing more songs, and then your voice is needed to help us choose our repertoire for the spring.  More details to come.  Definitely look at We Rise Again from the previous post and Hine Ma Tov, Can You Hear, Winds, and Give me a Kite.

I am instituting the secret word again to see who is reading the blog.  Please do not share the word during rehearsal, it kind of spoils the fun.

I have some purple Corovoce t shirts up for grabs as well as some Covid friendly treats.  The secret word is “rabbit”

See you at rehearsal!

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” – Leo Tolstoy

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro


Happy New Year! Our New Repertoire for 2023!

Doodle, Sketch, Cartoon, Unicorn, Horse


December 16, 2023

Who doesn’t love a magical unicorn at Christmas!  Here’s to an exciting new year in 2023!  I have been busily pulling some songs for our repertoire but I am going to leave some of the selections to YOU dear choir!  Here is some of the criteria I used to select these pieces:

  1.  Variety of songs…….tempos, melodies,
  2. Genre…..spirituals, Broadway, folk songs, jazz
  3. Canadian content.
  4. Language challenges.
  5. Simple or complex.

There are more I’m thinking of, but I thought we would at least begin our musical journey going through some of this repertoire in January.


Click here for We Rise Again.

Click here for another version of We Rise Again.

A beautiful song, Klee Wyck.  Click here for this arrangement by Brian Tate.

Another Klee Wyck.  I couldn’t choose.  Click here.

Click here for Can You Hear by Jim Papoulis.

Click here for Doraji.

Click here for another version of Doraji.

Click here for Doraji by the Vancouver Youth Choir.

Click here for Music Changes the World.

Click here for Doraji, a Korean folk song.

Click here for one of my favourites, Java Jazz.  so fun!

Click here for Give Me a Kite!

Click here for Coast Salish Medley arrange by Wendy Stuart.

Click here for I Dreamed of Rain.  Another solo opportunity.

Click here to listen to For Good.  More solo opportunities!

Click here for Winds by Larysa Kuzmenko.

Click here for Hine Ma Tov.

Here’s a real show stopper!  Click here for Singin’ in the Rain.

Click here for The Frim Fram Sauce.  I love this song!

Please enjoy listening to these songs and let me know what you think.

In song,

Ms. Fierro, Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little

“There is music in the air, music all around us: The world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.” – Edward Elgar








Spectacular Concert on December 12!

December 13. 2022.

Dear Corovoce Members:

What a splendid concert on Monday evening!  We heard so many positive comments about how much fun it was to be “Together Again”, and how beautiful the singing and ringing was!

We hope you enjoy the holiday season however you celebrate, and we look forward to seeing you all in January!

First rehearsal….Monday, January 9 at 3:30 p.m.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

“Music Can Change the World” – Beethoven

Final Countdown to “Together Again” and our Performance at the Board

Hello my friends:


We’re so excited to see you in your white and black next Monday and Tuesday!  Here is the promised “yellow” notice from Monday!

Important Information for

December 5 – 16

Here we are!  Just about ready for our concert next Monday!  Here are the dates and times for the next two weeks.

Monday, December 5 – our rehearsal today 3:30 – 5:15.

Tuesday, December 6 – rehearsal at Kitchener from 3:30 – 5:15.

Monday, December 12 –“Together Again” at MJF

Students need to be at the theatre, in their white collared shirts and black slacks, or skirts by 3:30 p.m.  We will rehearse our numbers, then the mass number until 4;30 and then students will be dismissed to their parents.  Please supervise your own children or make arrangements for other parents to supervise them until 6:00 when they are expected to be in one of the “green rooms” ready to warm up.

Tuesday, December 13 – Performance at the School Board

Our performance at the Burnaby School Board.  Be there at 6:30 p.m.  We will sing at 7:00 and be finished by 7:15.

Please wear your white and black again for this performance.

4054 Norfolk Avenue. (near Canada Way and Boundary)

And, our first rehearsal of 2023 will be Monday, January 9 from 3:30 – 4:45 – regular time.

We hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow, otherwise, we will see you at Michael J Fox theatre next Monday, December 12 at 3:30 p.m.

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Fierro, Ms. Little

Link to School Online Cash and Parent Ticket Takers

Dear Corovoce Parents:


Here is the link to pay by school cash online.  Then, please ask your child how many tickets you have paid for and we will give you the hard copy.


Click here for the link.

If someone could please let me know if this works!

And….the first two parents who volunteer to take tickets get to save their seats for the show!


I will process the volunteers in the order they come in.

Memo of Important Up Coming Dates and Extra Rehearsal Time!




Dear Corovoce Members:


We had a magical rehearsal yesterday and our repertoire is starting to come together.  We would like to extend our next three rehearsals until 5:15 if possible in order to be ready for our concert.  If you can stay, great, if not, please slip out quietly when you need to!

Tickets will be available for purchase next week, November 21.  They will also be available to pay for online.  Please let your child know how many tickets were purchased so we can send them the “hard” copy of the ticket.

We need 2 sets of parents to take tickets at the door.  The first 2 parents who email me get to save their seats in the theatre.

Click below for further important information regarding rehearsals, dress code etc…..

Corovoce Letter December 2022

We are looking forward to our concert, “Together Again” and can’t wait to show you our songs!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” – Mozart

Save the Dates! December 6, 12, and 13!

November 4, 2022.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!  I also hope you have been working on our repertoire these past 2 weeks, particularly memorizing The Holly and the Ivy and Hot Chocolate!  We are pressing on this next Monday with the rest of our songs.  Please refer back to the first post of the year to listen to all our songs.  It really helps you learn your parts so we can work on expression and dynamics in rehearsal!


Tuesday, December 6 – Rehearsal with Piccollini at Kitchener School in the small gym.   Be there at 3:30.  We will warm up and rehearse with Piccollini and if there’s extra time, continue to work on our songs.  We will end by 4:45.

Monday, December 12 – Our big concert at Michael J Fox Theatre with Piccollini and Soundwave!  You need to be at the theatre in your black and white at 3:30.  Further details to come!

Tuesday, December 13 – We have been asked to sing at the Burnaby School Board Meeting that evening.  Again, further details to come around time and place, but save the date!


Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, November 7.

“Music is the language of the spirit.  It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”  ~ Kahil Gibran

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Mrs. Fierro


Together Again! Welcome Back to Corovoce!

September 25, 2022.

Welcome back former students to Corovoce!  Welcome to our new singers!  We are excited to begin our musical journey tomorrow, September 26.  See you at the South Slope gym at 3:30!  Come on in, make your awesome name tag, and say hello to 3 new friends!

Here are some of the songs we will be working on this season.  You are welcome to have a listen and practice at home!

Opening Number – Wenceslas Canon  click here.

Finale Number – Ding Dong Merrily on High  click here.

Our numbers….

Hot Chocolate – click here.

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman – click here.

Winter Canon – click here.

The Holly and the Ivy – click here.

Cool Yule – click here.

Click here for another version.  I couldn’t choose!

Important Information Regarding Corovoce Start Up! See You All September 26!!



Corovoce Welcome Letter and Calendar 2022

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Corovoce!  As we begin to start up again, there are a few housekeeping items that require your attention.

The fees for the year are $75.  This pays for music, performance venues, a t-shirt, and professional development for our team.  The District prefers that you pay online using SchoolOnlineCash.  We also prefer this method, but if you do bring cash or cheques, please make the cheques out to the Burnaby School District.

Click here for the link to OnlineCash, or go into OnlineCash and look for it under “District Items”  It’s under Burnaby District Corovoce Youth Choir.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, September 26, 3;30, in the gym, at South Slope Elementary!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro