Memo of Important Up Coming Dates and Extra Rehearsal Time!




Dear Corovoce Members:


We had a magical rehearsal yesterday and our repertoire is starting to come together.  We would like to extend our next three rehearsals until 5:15 if possible in order to be ready for our concert.  If you can stay, great, if not, please slip out quietly when you need to!

Tickets will be available for purchase next week, November 21.  They will also be available to pay for online.  Please let your child know how many tickets were purchased so we can send them the “hard” copy of the ticket.

We need 2 sets of parents to take tickets at the door.  The first 2 parents who email me get to save their seats in the theatre.

Click below for further important information regarding rehearsals, dress code etc…..

Corovoce Letter December 2022

We are looking forward to our concert, “Together Again” and can’t wait to show you our songs!

In song,

Ms. Ishii, Ms. Little, Ms. Fierro

“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” – Mozart

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